How to get work visa for Bahrain - Ultimate Guide 2021

How to get work visa for Bahrain - Ultimate Guide 2021

Tural Musayev08 July 202113204 views9 min. read
How to get work visa for Bahrain - Ultimate Guide 2021

In this article, you will find the topics regarding Bahrain work visa. How to get Bahrain work visa, how to apply for Bahrain work visa, how long does it take to process work visa for Bahrain, Bahrain work visa processing time, and Bahrain work visa cost are among those topics. Also, you will get information about the Bahrain work visa age limit and detailed information about Bahrain medical test for work visa. Under the required documents section, you can find Bahrain work visa requirements and documents required for work visa in Bahrain. If you are ready, let’s start!

How to get Bahrain to work visa?

flag of bahrain

How to apply for Bahrain work visa? Let’s first give overall information about the Bahrain visa. 

Because of its liberal business environment, low taxes and operating costs, and well-known shopping areas, Bahrain attracts a large number of companies and workers. Planning an expansion to Bahrain, on the other hand, entails hiring the right employees and ensuring that they adhere to local regulations. You could face fines or delays if you don't know how to get a work visa in Bahrain or what type of visa your employees will require.

All citizens of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) member states, as well as British citizens by birth, are not required to obtain a visa to visit Bahrain. British citizens are allowed to stay for up to a month. All others must apply for one of the visas listed below:

- Tourist visa: For citizens of the EU, Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand, and the United States, this visa is valid for two weeks. It makes it impossible to work.

- Visitor visa: Other foreign nationals who wish to visit Bahrain on this visa must be sponsored by a Bahraini who will apply on their behalf. It's only good for a month and doesn't allow you to work.

- 72-hour and seven-day visas: These visas are available at the port of entry for short-term business visitors. It is necessary to have a return ticket and a valid passport.

- A business visa is required for anyone staying in Bahrain for more than a week on business. The duration of this visa varies depending on the type of trip. It is valid for up to four weeks.

- Work visa: If employees are working in any capacity, they will require a work visa. This permit is valid for one to two years and also grants residency to employees. The majority of the paperwork will be handled by employers.

- Family visa: A family visa, also known as a residence permit, is required for any of the worker's immediate family members to live in Bahrain during the employment period. Unless they obtain a separate work visa, they are unable to work.

Foreign professionals wishing to work in Bahrain must first obtain a residency visa as well as a work permit (known in Bahrain as the labour card) before being allowed to enter the country. A Bahraini residency visa may be granted to a foreign national if (I) their company is incorporated in Bahrain, (II) they own shares in a Bahraini company, (III) they work for a local company, or (IV) they buy real estate in Bahrain.

Expatriates must either be sponsored by their employers or by Bahraini nationals in order to obtain a two-year work visa in the country. The number of visas that a company can sponsor is determined by the size of its physical office and the company's available quota for foreign employees, as determined by Bahrainization regulations.

The Bahraini Labor Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) issues employment visas to expatriates prior to their arrival. The labour card, which is given to you when you arrive, serves as an identity card and must be carried with you at all times.

The sponsoring company must also show proof of third-party work contracts and evidence that the position requires foreign expertise.

A medical examination report, copies of a valid contract of employment, academic or professional qualifications for the position secured, and a copy of the employer sponsorship letter are all required documents for a visa application.

Bahrain work visa processing time

man holding brown bag

How long does it take to process work visa for Bahrain? Before expats arrive in Bahrain, the Bahraini Labor Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) processes and issues all visas. Employees will be required to complete certain steps after you submit the necessary documents. Employees should show academic or professional qualifications for the position in addition to providing a medical report. All work visa applications in Bahrain are typically processed in five business days, but delays can take up to two weeks.

Bahrain work visa cost

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Bahrain Work visa fee is 40-266 USD. However, for one year, the standard Bahrain work permit visa fee is BHD 172 (approximately $456), and for two years, the fee is BHD 344 (approximately $912).

Bahrain work visa age limit


Most countries require a minimum age of 18 years old for work visas, but some require a minimum age of 21 years old. You must also apply separately for a residency permit, which is issued to people who are at least 18 years old in the majority of countries, or 21 years old without parental/guardian consent in Dubai/United Arab Emirates.

In some African, Asian, and South American countries, the minimum working visa age is 16 years old (without restrictions). In some African, Asian, and South American countries, the minimum working visa age is 15 years old.

However, in Bahrain, work visas require applicants to be at least 20 years old and no more than 65 years old to apply or renew online.

Bahrain medical test for work visa

medical test

Prior to entering Bahrain, you must have Bahrain medical test for work visa. Whether you're visiting Bahrain for work or living, you'll need to undergo a medical examination by a licensed doctor, as well as a battery of laboratory tests:

- Certificate.

- A blood test for syphilis.

- Test for HIV/VDRL.

- Urinalysis.

- X-ray of the chest

- Stool microanalysis for parasites, cysts, and ova.

- ECG.

- Hepatitis B and C.

- Colour vision analysis.

Here are some important pointers to keep in mind during your medical examination:

- Each medical examination necessitates the repetition of laboratory tests. The validity of these laboratory reports is six (6) months.

- Chest X-rays are required when applying for a work permit for the first time, and they are valid for five (5) years.

- Your HIV and VDRL tests, as well as laboratory reports, must be attached to your visa application.

Other vaccines to think about if you're applying for a visa:

Tetanus: Only recommended for those who are at high risk.

Hepatitis A: A yellow fever vaccination certificate is required for travellers nine months and over coming from countries (or have transited (for more than 12 hours) through an airport) where yellow fever is a risk.

Doctors and medical practitioners must perform tests for diseases that are present at the time the request is made.

A certified doctor must sign and stamp or seal the 'Medical Examinations Form,' as well as all laboratory tests performed.

The following are the instructions for the medical examination:

Applicants for visas, regardless of age, must undergo a medical examination by a licensed physician. Please keep in mind that your examination must be scheduled at least ten days prior to your scheduled visa interview.

What should you bring to your medical appointment for your Bahrain visa?

• A copy of your immunization records.

• Medical records from previous operations or illnesses, if applicable.

• Four 3x4 (passport size) photos taken recently.

• Your passport and a photocopy of your passport's biographical page

How long will it take for the results to be available?

Your medical results could take up to five working days if you don't use the expedited 24-hour Bahrain visa medical service.

Required documents

write document

Bahrain work visa requirements and documents required for work visa in Bahrain will be provided in this section.

Again, anyone seeking a Bahrain working visa must be sponsored by an employer or a Bahraini national. The number of visas your company can sponsor is determined by the physical size of your office and national regulations governing foreign quotas. You will handle the majority of the application process on the employee's behalf, and you will need to show a letter of employment, a commercial registration number, the employee's capacity, the contract duration, and other documents.

There are also the following requirements:

  • Passport
  • Visa application form that is completed
  • A passport-size photo
  • A copy of the contract 
  • Sponsorship letter with the employee's name, date of birth, nationality, etc.
  • A health record from a licensed clinic 
  • Proven payment of the BD 100 fee (may vary depending on nationality)


capital of bahrain

Okay! After all this information, you now have clear knowledge about Bahrain work visa. You have already read all about how to apply for Bahrain work visa, how to get Bahrain work visa, Bahrain work visa processing time, and how long does it take to process work visa for Bahrain. Also, in this article, detailed information about Bahrain work visa cost, Bahrain work visa age limit and Bahrain medical test for work visa were provided. Under the topic of the required document, we gave Bahrain work visa requirements and documents required for work visa in Bahrain. We hope you have found this article helpful for your research on Bahrain work visa!

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