10 reasons why you should travel to Benin right now

10 reasons why you should travel to Benin right now

Chima Nnaemeka08 November 20203354 views8 min. read
10 reasons why you should travel to Benin right now
travel to African counties to spend some time and for sightseeing. The Benin Republic is one of the African countries that has attracted people all over the world. Just like other countries, people get their Benin visa and travel to the Benin Republic for different reasons. The country has lots of cultural and historical attractions.

Where is Benin Republic?

benin on the world map Benin, otherwise known as the Republic of Benin, is in Africa. The capital of Benin is Porto-Novo. Nigeria and Togo are some of the neighboring countries. The Benin Republic is now a place you should think of if you want optimal relaxation and to live a crazy city life for a moment. There are many questions tourists ask. They want to know when is the best time to travel to the Benin Republic. There is no specific answer to when is the best time to travel to Benin. Once you have your documents, money and know the country is safe, you can travel. New tourists, on the other hand, ask where is Benin, what is the capital, and how Benin people behave to foreigners is. We will be looking at some of the reasons why you should travel to Benin right now in this article and where is Benin.  Reasons to travel to Benin: 

1. The History and Heritage

view to the gate of no return Every country has its heritage and history. You should travel to Porto-Novo, which is the capital of Benin Republic, to know about its history. The country, which is known as the so-called kingdom of Dahomey, has passed through many experiences. The Benin people passed through the Dutch and Portuguese trading posts establishment. The country was colonized by France and had different battles before gaining its independence in the year 1960. You should travel to Benin right now if you are a historian or delights joy in history. The Benin Republic has a sad history as it was a place where slavery grew. More than 2 million Benin people, males, females, and children, were sold as slaves. The kings of Dahomey were behind this. Many couldn't come back after the slave market trade. 

2. Affordable to Visit 

sandy beach of the grand popo One of the things that people consider before traveling is the cost of transportation. Unlike most countries of the world, coming to the Benin Republic is affordable. It is so affordable that you can travel to Seme in Benin from Nigeria for just 1000 naira. As earlier mentioned, Nigeria shares a common border with the country. You don't need to break the bank or spend heavily to make your traveling goal a reality. With proper planning, coming to the Benin Republic right now with little amount is possible. There are different eye-catching sites to explore. You can also relax for days at their beautiful beaches at an affordable price. This won't be so in other countries. Who doesn't love cheap things? Travel to Benin right now. 

3. Different Cultural Experience 

voodoo festival When one visits a new place, they get to learn and connect with other people. You should travel to Benin, Porto-Novo, right now if you experience a different culture. It's an opportunity to learn about new cultures, eat new food, and learn a new language. Learning the differences between your culture and the culture of the Benin Republic can be interesting. 

4. Lush Nature and Protected Species

hippopotamus There are lots of wildlife to see in the Benin Republic. Some of the animals that are pleasing to the eyes are the hippopotamus, the African manatee, olive ridley turtle, and the sitatunga, which is a type of aquatic antelope. The environment in the country is a constitutional right. Everyone in the country has the privilege of a satisfying and healthy environment. They can also defend it. The protection of the environment has been taken care of by the state. It simply means all beautiful things in the country are there to stay. So, travel to the Benin Republic Africa, now to see for yourself. 

5. Closeness to Other Country 

view of porto novo This is one of the reasons people travel to the Benin Republic. It is easier for you to visit other countries in West Africa for sightseeing or exploration when you are in Benin. As earlier stated above, many countries are close to the Benin Republic. So, if you have ever wanted to explore other countries without spending much, travel to Benin right now. You can travel to Togo for exploration in a day. Stopping over at Ghana and Nigeria is also possible. You are sure of an enjoyable experience when you break into cities like Grand Popo and Ouidah on your trip. 

6. Food 

fry food with tomato Food is one of the basic needs of man. Its importance can't be overemphasized. The Benin Republic has yam as its heart of food, among others. A party is even set aside in August for it. Whether you boiled, crushed, or fried the yam, you can comfortably eat it with any meat dish. If you are a lover of yam, travel to Benin right now. While you can see yam often in the northern part of Benin, maize is seen more in the south. Other foods available in the country include onion, fish, tomato, meat such as beef, mutton, and Cabri. The cuisine in the country is tasty and one for you to taste when you visit Porto-Novo. If you are a lover of exotic fruits such as mandarins, oranges, guavas, papayas, bananas, and oranges, travel to the Benin Republic. This is the best time to travel to the Benin Republic if you want to go into food and fruits importation or exportation. Don't forget to drink artisanal palm wine, baobab juice, sodabi, and superfood rich in vitamin C. These drinks will keep you hydrated. 

7. Easy to get a Visa 

embassy of benin Many people have lost money and wasted lots of time getting their travel visas. Some have been duped by different travel agents in the name of obtaining their visas. Many have missed important engagements because it took them time to get there, even when they have other traveling resources available. This is not so in the Benin Republic, and this is an important reason why you should consider the country as the next destination for your tourist. You can even apply to get an electronic visa. This is not only affordable but instant. 

8. Touring is Easy

welcome to benin sign Touring is one of the many reasons people leave their country for another. Touring on its own is fun, but the environment where it will take place has a whole lot to do with its fun. If there is anything to consider because of making a travel decision, it is easy to tour. Touring in the cities of Benin Republic is relatively easy, especially when you compare it to other African countries. Tourism in the country may not be the best, but the hassle is less here. So, get your bags ready to travel to Benin right away. 

9. Beninese People

beninese men Benin people are caring and welcoming. They welcome tourists and foreigners to their country as they help them settle well. Kindness and happiness are attributes of Benin's people. You have nothing to worry about if you want to spend your next holiday here. French is their main language, but you will also see some people that speak other languages like English. So, communications will not be a problem. However, you should get conversant with some common words used in greetings. When you greet in their language, they welcome and show more affection for you. 

10. Safety 

babs dock cotonou Irrespective of how much you love traveling, you will not love to travel to a country where lives and properties are not safe. Safety is usually the number of reasons to consider when you want to travel to a new place or country. To show how much safety is important, you will always see the question "how safe is this country or that country?" in the frequently asked questions seen online. The Benin Republic is not the best country in the world but a country where the politics and social matters are stable. Insecurity is usually caused by political instability. Unlike most African neighbors, the country is without major conflict. They are known for standing with democracy. They value both the lives of indigenes and foreigners. This is enough reason why you should travel to Benin right now. When is the best time to travel to Benin? Of course, when the security is okay, and this is now. With the cheap price of traveling expenses and ease of obtaining a visa, make your travel plan a reality today. 

Final Thoughts

benin lake It is not as difficult as many think it is to travel from one country to another for any reason. People can decide to travel to another country to become a permanent resident, for vacation, business, or tourist. One of the countries that have attracted people recently is the Benin Republic. There are many reasons why you should travel to Benin right now. It is easy to get a travel visa. You can easily move to other countries like Togo from the country. The cost of obtaining a visa is cheap. The country has a rich culture and a great opportunity to learn more. The people are friendly and easy-going. One of the reasons to travel to Benin is its political and social stability. So, get your bags ready and come again to have a wonderful and memorable tour experience. 

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