Reasons why backpacking is better than luxurious traveling

Reasons why backpacking is better than luxurious traveling

Kanan Isazade29 March 20212970 views8 min. read
Reasons why backpacking is better than luxurious traveling

What is backpacking, and why should I prefer it? Today, I will try to mention all about backpacking. This blog will consist of 2 parts. In the first part, I will give some deep notes about backpacking (what to bring backpacking, what is backpacking), and in the second part, I will mention the advantages of backpacking. So, what is backpacking? Everyone can give thousands of various answers and explanations to this question, but shortly we can say that it is a type of travel that is cheaper and makes you feel free. Without any doubt, we can say that it is not for everyone because some people prefer to have a luxury vacation. Such kind of travel is more suitable for adventurous people

Take weather into consideration? What to bring backpacking?

misty weather

Of course, before starting to pack up, you should decide where to go, and after that, you must check the weather at that destination. Following this, you can create a backpacking checklist. We recommend you to write down everything on the backpacking checklist because sometimes travel planning can be so complicated. If you will move in summer, you will need a couple of t-shirts, shirts, sunglasses, sun cream, a hat, etc. Sun cream, hats, and sunglasses are the most imperative ones because no one wants to face health issues during a trip. Also, when you buy a sun blocker, be sure that it protects from all kinds of sunburns. Considering that you will hike for a long time, it would be useful to take a water bottle with you. On the other hand, if you prefer winter tourism, don’t forget to take a thermos. When you need to warm up or when you desire to drink a cup of coffee or tea, you will not need to look for a restaurant or cafe. Finally, for women travelers, we consult to take a scarf, because if you like to visit historical, holy places, you may need to cover your hair.

Some crucial precautions - all about backpacking


During the trip, we should be ready for everything. As you know, devices, daily life, and more can change depending on the country. Under this heading, we will share some of them. The first one is the socket type. It is clear that countries use diverse kinds of sockets, such as type A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and more. That is why you need a socket changer, not to face any charging problem. Another thing about charging is portable charges. You will spend most of your time outdoors, and you will need to use your phone gradually, so don’t forget to take a power bank. The third one which a backpacker will need is some medicines. Sometimes adaptation to a new climate can make you feel sick, or if you travel to Africa, you may catch some viruses from insects, so it is better to take some antidotes on you. What about backpacking food? Backpacking food can be so useful for people who have an allergy to some foods. Considering that you will walk a lot, you may need them for energy, too. So, don’t forget backpacking food.

Backpacking maps


The map is one of the most critical items that must be on your backpacking checklist. Of course, today we can find plans on the internet, or we can use google maps, but don’t forget that you don’t have any information about the quality of the internet in that destination. Also, when you hike in a forest or mountain, you may face some internet connection problems. Besides, sometimes it can be hard to find all the exciting spots to visit on the internet because everyone visits the most popular places. But you can purchase specific maps for tourists where you can see all the tourist attractions. Some such charts are available on official websites of countries or cities so you can get them effortlessly.

Make your hiking more comfortable


The last answer to what to bring backpacking is slippers and sneakers. Exploring the city, parks, and forests are fascinating but also tiring. That is why you need to have some comfortable shoes. We recommend you to take both slippers and sneakers. While walking in the forest or mountain gym footwear, will turn into your best friend. On the other hand, you may want to go to the beaches so you will need comfortable sandals, too. Maybe, you can think that: I will not go to the forest or mountain, and that is why I don’t need it. It is true, but not entirely. In some cities, entering with slippers is forbidden. 

Finally, we finish the backpacking checklist, and we can begin to talk about the advantages of such kind of travel.

It is more economic


Probably, this is the most profitable side of traveling with a rucksack. Of course, everyone wants to make a vacation more affordable, but in my opinion, it is more beneficial for these two types of travelers: student backpacker and person that will have a travel marathon. We know that accommodation accounts for the larger part of the trip. In most countries, you will pay at least 20-50 USD per night. Mostly, people prefer to stay in hotels because of jewelry and other valuable items, cleaning, service, and more. If these are not indispensable for you, you can rent a tent and sleep there. Also, there are many shared rooms or tiny room hostels in many countries. They don’t offer a high standard, private place for your baggage, and that is why it is not for people who travel with a lot of luggage. On the other hand, it can be a good opportunity for a backpacker. Another positive side of staying in shared rooms is meeting new people. Maybe, you will make friendships that will last forever.

Endless adventure opportunities


Backpacking gives you a chance to observe, enjoy nature, and experience many adventures. How can I make my trip more adventurous? Of course, the best way is outdoor activities, and the most well-known among them is camping. Although wild camping is illegal in some countries, still, you can find plenty of destinations that have no limits and rules against wild camping. Also, some states created specific camping areas in parks, natural reserves, so don’t worry about finding a place. During camping, you will have a chance to observe the wildlife, exploring the deepest and undiscovered spots of the country, and more. Moreover, you can go to have a picnic at some peak points of the mountains in front of a mesmerizing view, or you can go to canyoning, boating, etc. You will collect thousands of unforgettable memories for you and your children. Who knows, maybe, you will have an experience that will be an inspiration to a movie or a book.

You are the boss of this trip

sport backpack

Casual traveling sometimes can be so routine and boring, but backpacking will give you the possibility to feel free. Shortly, we can say that you will be the only captain on board. Modern life makes us work and live like robots, and in most of the country's citizens can't spare time themselves. If you face such issues in your daily life, then backpacking is for you. This time you will not have any schedule or plan to follow. You will make your decisions whenever you want.

You will become more open-minded


Unfortunately, sometimes we may have prejudices against cultures, smells, traditions, and more. Backpacking will help you to get rid of that bad habit and be more open-minded. You will spend most of your time outside, and you will get in touch with local people, and you will learn a lot of facts about their customs, traditions. Firstly, most of them will seem unacceptable or weird to you, but after meeting more and more various cultures, you will understand that these differences make that place attractive and unique. Sadly, one of the unsolved problems of our modern world is religious fights. Possibly, you also have a bias against other religions, and you think that the only real way is your religion. But after speaking with people from different religious views, you will understand that the most important thing is being human. We can believe in God, Allah, or Buddha, it doesn’t matter. We should respect each other!

You will learn not to waste


When we go to a new country, one of the biggest mistakes that we make is buying, so meaningless stuff. We simply waste our money and time on useless items, but when you travel with just a rucksack, you will not have such kind of opportunity. You will have a limited place, and it will oblige you to be more attentive. Of course, it is not only about money. We can give various examples, and food waste is one of them. Remarkably, while traveling in rural areas, you will not have a chance to go shopping every hour, so you will learn to use your food efficiently. Also, we can say the same words about using energy efficiently.

We finished the topic, and I hope it will be beneficial for you.

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