Everything about Thailand SMART visa

Everything about Thailand SMART visa

Ruchi Singla01 June 20211334 views9 min. read
Everything about Thailand SMART visa

The people of Thailand have been trying to develop new and advanced methods of innovations to increase the economic conditions at a higher pace. The government of Thailand has taken another initiative to attract new talents in technologies and other industrial areas through their innovations. The smart visa system was made to put in use to attract more scientists, technology specialists, senior executives, analysts, and investors to Thailand from all across the globe. It provides an easy establishment of startups and helps give a hassle-free stay in Thailand without going through unnecessary legalities if you are an eligible person for a Thailand visa application.

The Thailand smart visa is an advanced visa that has been innovated to draw highly skilled people to Thailand’s economic growth and help accelerate economic growth through their talents and new approach ideas. It is provided to every business person or investor with a sustainable idea approach for the business world. You must be wondering about the fact whether do I need a Thailand visa? The answer is always a yes. It is very important to acquire a Thailand Visa in order to sustain your life in Thailand. Without the Thailand Visa, it gets a little difficult. However, how to get Thailand visa, Thailand visa requirements and how much is Thailand visa? Keep on reading to know.

How to get Thailand smart visa and Thailand visa requirements?

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You must be wondering about how to get Thailand Visa and why do I need a Thailand Visa? All you need to do is apply and pay the fees for Thailand visa. Applying for a Thailand smart visa is not much of a hectic process to be eligible for acquiring the visa. The Board of Investment states specific criteria, all you need to make sure you are a suitable candidate covering all the BOI criteria. The simple steps that are involved for the application of Thailand smart visa and fees for Thailand visa are as follows:

  • To begin with, the people residing outside Thailand to apply for Thailand smart visa must first enrol themselves for a qualification endorsement.
  • As they enrol themselves for the qualification endorsement, the unit that operates all the processes of smart visas goes through your Thailand visa application and Thailand visa requirements for qualification and evaluates it and checks if the format and other such things are appropriate or not.
  • They then pass the qualification endorsement to the government as per their roles, and the government agency approves the endorsement if they see it fits in fine for the enrolled visa process. There are various endorsement agencies. Some of them are BOI, NSTDA, NIA, DEPA, NRCT, TISTR, MOFA, Immigration, and MOL
  • It takes a minimum of 30 days for the endorsement to get approved
  • If you are qualified, you are eligible for the process of application of the Thailand smart visa on any website that allows smart visas. You must make sure that you apply for the smart visa within 60 days from the date of issue of your qualification endorsement approval
  • If you are wondering how much is Thailand visa and fees for Thailand visa, then you should know that the net amount required for the processing of the smart visa is 10000 baht every year with the approval of the smart visa

What are the types of smart visas for Thailand and their purposes?

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Are you wondering and how to get Thailand visa, and do I need a Thailand visa, fees for Thailand visa? Well, different people use different reasons for the Thailand visa application, and Thailand visa requirements vary from country to country. Also, many ask do I need a Thailand visa. Applicants of smart visas have other purposes of acquiring a smart visa. The smart visa to every applicant is allowed as per their requirements. It mainly depends on the desired goal or the activity that a foreigner wishes to carry out in the land of Thailand. The Thailand visa types and their purposes have been explained below:

  • The smart talent visa is generally provided to scientists and technology experts whose salary is around 200000 baht every month. The tenure of this visa is four years and is only given to the employees who work in one of the top ten most prestigious industries. This visa is referred to as the smart T visa
  • The smart investor visa: This type of visa is generally provided to people or individual organizations who have been involved in the direct investment of at least 20 million baht in companies that specialities in technology and use them in the process of manufacturing goods for the companies’ transactions or to provide accessible services of delivery. The tenure of this visa is also four years. They are only given to investors investing in one of the top ten most prestigious companies. It is referred to as the smart I visa
  • The smart executive visa: This is one of the Thailand visa types that is provided to a senior manager who has at least completed their graduation, has acquired a Bachelor’s degree and has work experience of at least ten years. The minimum salary requirement to obtain a smart executive visa is 200000 baht per month. The tenure of this visa is four years, and the senior manager must be associated with any of the top ten most prestigious industries. It is also referred to as the Smart E visa
  • The smart startup visa is generally offered to entrepreneurs with a sustainable business idea and wish to set up their business base in Thailand. There are certain stages of eligibility to acquire this visa. The eligibility includes depositing 600000 baht in any bank for Thailand, having proper updated health insurance, and setting up his company in association with one of the top ten prestigious companies. The tenure of such Thailand visa types is one to two years

What are the requirements to obtain a visa for Thailand?

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Do you know how much is Thailand visa, Thailand visa application, and how to get Thailand visa? 

Once you have applied for a smart visa in Thailand, you must keep in mind that there are certain documents that you must always have in support of your visa sanctioning to travel to Thailand. Those are the primary Thailand visa requirements and Thailand visa application. The necessary supporting documents are as follows:

  • You must have a xerox hard copy of the application form you filled during the application for the smart visa. It varies according to the different types of smart visas you have applied for, and you must have the application printed out according to the desired type of visa
  • You must also have your passport handy all the time to support your evidence proofing
  • You must have a certificate of clean criminal record issued by Notary police so that the government knows that it is safe to provide you with the smart visa of Thailand. It must be from the police authority in the base country of your nationality
  • If you are already in Thailand, you must also acquire a clean record Police certificate that the Police authorities of Thailand have issued after proper evaluation
  • You must also have a proper health certificate that includes a health checkup of your entire physical health for three months for your travel to Thailand. It must be mentioned that you have no sort of infection to any of the prohibited diseases, a case of addiction, or any other prevailing disease of that sort. You must also make sure that the health certificate is issued only by a notary public
  • You must include all the possible supporting documents of all your past experiences in your field of expertise to travel to Thailand. You should also have all kinds of academic certificates for all your mentioned qualifications
  • To increase the chances of getting a smart visa, you can include all the possible research works and publication certificates or any proof of any kind of award you have won in the particular field
  • You must also have proof of your previous work experience. That is a letter from your last recruiter
  • If you cannot apply for the visa ourselves, you must make sure that you put in a power of attorney to that person before sending him to use
  • You must also have a receipt for the safety purpose that involves your statement of paying the fees of the Thailand smart visa

What are the advantages of having a smart visa in Thailand?

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Once you are qualified to acquire the smart visa in Thailand, you can sit back and enjoy all the benefits provided by the smart visa. Smart visas have much more facilities provided to the owner than any other visa in Thailand. Some of the benefits of a smart visa are:

  • The smart visas are valid for a period of four years, so you are eligible to freely live in Thailand for four years, given that it is the tenure of your service contract
  • Unlike other visas, if you have a smart visa, you do not have to apply or go through the hassle of taking up work permits in any of the top ten most prestigious companies mentioned in the guidelines
  • If you live in Thailand in terms of visas, you must report every detail of your stay to Immigration every 90 days. However, if you live under the terms of a smart visa, you have to register your status every year, which is a lot more convenient than writing four times every year
  • If you have a smart visa, you need to apply for a Thai Re-entry permit
  • Any of your close family members, that is your better half, or any of your children can work in any of the companies of Thailand. They do not have to go through the hassling process of acquiring a work permit. They can start working in Thailand based on your smart visa. The only claw in this pact is that they are not allowed to work in any companies that do not hire foreigners

It is eligible to have good experiences who desire to travel to Thailand or invest in any companies or organizations in Thailand. If you are wondering how to get Thailand smart visa, how much is Thailand visa, Thailand visa types, please go through the details mentioned above.

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