How to increase chances to get Australia visa?

How to increase chances to get Australia visa?

Ieva Miltina03 June 20212899 views8 min. read
How to increase chances to get Australia visa?

Traveling to Australia is a dream many people wish to fulfill at least once in their lifetime. The unique landscape, the extraordinary flora and fauna, and above everything - the laid-back Australians that can’t seem to worry about a thing in their lives. These are just a few of the reasons that might motivate one to consider a trip to this continent, but doing so, one would also need to be well prepared. Not only to be aware and physically safe from the uncountable deadly bugs and animals that might want to guard their Australian territory against any human being possible. Being prepared also means having the legal right to enter the country, and the most basic requirement to ensure this is obtaining a proper visa. But, to be honest, Australia is infamous for its strict rules for issuing visas.

Many people bust their heads on how to get Australia visa to be in the best position during the process of obtaining it. I remember a couple of friends who were seemingly very fitting to the requirements but received a negative answer already after they had departed to Asia. For a moment they struggled to persuade the officials that they are a great set of candidates for Australia holiday work visa, but their dream turned to dust very quickly. And many stories like this seem to emerge all across the web. So let’s get you ready and make sure you fill all Australia visa requirements and your chances to get it are at the maximum! In this article, I will give you some tips as well as some useful background information to make the process easier. You will hear a bit about the very Australia visa fees, types, and the process itself. Let’s get this going!

What are the different Australia visa types?

australian passport stamp for entring the country

To be honest, I got slightly overwhelmed the first time I visited the website with all the available visas. There are more than 100 options, so it is easy to get confused about the differences and the requirements. They all fall into one of seven categories - visitor visas, studying and training visas, family and partner visas, working and skilled visas, refugee and humanitarian visas, other visas, and repealed visas. If you are planning a short-term trip to get to know this country, then you would probably look for the first (visitor) visa category with some of the most popular versions being Australia tourist visa and the very desired Australia holiday work visa. Since the list is so long and the details so intricate, it is very handy to have their online visa finder to help you understanding which option will fit your case the best. Just answer a few simple questions and you will be re-directed to the page of the most appropriate visa type.

How to get Australia visa?

flag of australia

There are three basic ways you can obtain a visa to Australia. First, and the easiest one, is the online application portal. Fill in all the requirements and expect to get your answer in a short time. Take into consideration that you might still be asked to come in for an interview in the closest diplomatic mission. The second option, as per usual, is to hand in your documents directly at the visa application point (embassy or other). And last but not least, if there is no Australian diplomatic mission in your country, you might send the required formalities over the post. Nationals of New Zealand are eligible for an on-arrival visa, but they are the only ones due to close relations among these two nations.

How much is Australia visa?


Comparing to many other countries, Australia visa fees are quite heavy on the wallet. They depend on the purpose of your travel, as well as the length of the intended stay, but here are a few numbers to give some impression. An ETA online will cost you starting from about 110 USD, but the work and holiday visa upwards from about 370 USD. Australia student visa might reach even 480 USD! With that said - I mentioned already that the list of various visa types is very long, and so are the different fees one would have to pay. You will get the particular information when applying to get a visa, or checking with the official information online.

What is the processing time for different Australia visa types?

australian embassy

I am sorry to say I won’t be able to give a unanimous answer to you. You see, the processing time varies greatly depending on your nationality and other particular details. Obtaining an Electronic Travel Authority online can take you as little as 30 seconds! But usually, you would receive the answer within the first 72 hours. On the other hand, receiving your Australia holiday work visa could take even up to 6 months. Just check the applicable details in this list of available visas.

How to increase the chances to get an Australian visa?

country map selection

As usual, when considering individual immigration requests, the officials always seek reliable information that you are traveling for the purposes you have stated in the application. Here are some key points to keep in mind whenever you try to apply Australia visa technical requirements to your individual case.

1. Ensure that all the information in your application adds up and nothing is missing. It might sound silly, but in many cases, the visa is refused due to missing details, etc. As soon as you are sure about the type of visa you will apply to, check the particular Australia visa requirements and make sure you have them fit the description to a T. Furthermore - put some effort to provide quality documents. For example, applying to receive an Australia student visa you will need a confirmation letter from the institution you plan on carrying out your studies. If you plan on visiting someone, make sure they provide a genuine invitation letter and can vouch for you when called by the authorities. And so the list goes on - just treat the requirements with attention to detail.

2. Persuade the visa processing office that you have no intention of staying in Australia longer than the intended visa permits, or that you don’t intend to perform any remunerated activities. You can do it by presenting convincing documents that prove the necessity to return to your homeland - job contract, proof of studies, marriage, etc.

3. Prove that you have enough finances to sustain yourself during the stay - hand in bank statements or other proof that might improve your image as a reliable applicant.

4. Meet the character requirements to show that you will abide by the values and laws of Australia. You might be asked to provide evidence like police checks, military certificates, or other explanations to prove that.

5. Be in good health - the authorities might ask for a health statement to consider if your health conditions might be a threat to the public health of Australian society.

6. If you plan on going there for work then you have bigger chances at obtaining a visa if you are a high-level professional, e.g. have the necessary academic credentials or lengthy experience in the field. Just as in many other countries, also Australian government favors the immigration of highly skilled professionals to aid the economic development locally.

7. Even though these are not required, many sources online mention that a confirmed flight back home as well as the booking for accommodation aids in increasing the credibility of the application. The same goes for a cover letter. Even though an interview in person might follow, a written and detailed description about your intentions for the trip and your motivations might make them more inclined to issue the visa, even if it is just Australia tourist visa for a great time in Ozzy-land.

Well, let’s hope all of this information has given you a head start to ensure you can happily travel to Australia with your newly obtained visa. The most important thing to remember is to apply Australia visa checklist I gave you a moment ago, and you should be good to go. Surely I can’t fill the application for you, but at least you will be aware of the underwater rocks and points to focus your attention on. And then all there is left to do is dip your toes in the slightly intimidating world of immigration services to move closer to your dreams and goals. After all, only the ones who have gotten through the process are aware of how much is Australia visa worth... And I would say it’s never less than the sum of all the unforgettable memories you will make during your journey to the exciting land of Down Under. Good luck and bon voyage!

* Keep in mind that Australia is yet another country that is currently strictly limiting the incoming tourism and only a very limited number of people are permitted to enter due to Covid-19 restrictions. This article displays the information that would apply to travel planning in normal circumstances. If you still need to travel to Australia at these times, please check the most up-to-date official information on this website to see what are the currently available options.

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