10 reasons why you should travel to Liechtenstein right now

10 reasons why you should travel to Liechtenstein right now

Yuliya Anikina13 October 20205525 views14 min. read
10 reasons why you should travel to Liechtenstein right now
This European microstate can be circumvented in one day because its area is only 160 square kilometres. As a member of the European Economic Area, the Principality of Liechtenstein is neither part of the European Union nor NATO. Where is Liechtenstein? In the heart of Europe, on the border between Austria and Switzerland. Surrounded by the lands of these states, the Principality is nestled on the right bank of the Rhine. Thick forests, emerald meadows, snow-covered peaks of the Alps and medieval architecture - landscapes created by the magical spirits of nature. And hard-working dwarfs have made this land prosperous and wealthy - the princedom ranks second in the world in terms of the wealth of the indigenous Liechtenstein population. What to see in Liechtenstein and what to do in Liechtenstein? Since Liechtenstein is a microstate, it is not difficult to see all its sights. All of them are almost within walking distance of each other. Visit the ancestral princely castle. Liechtenstein opens the doors of the residence of the ruling dynasty for all who seek to get here, only once a year - August 15, when the Principality celebrates National Day of the State. You can visit the castle building from the outside whenever you want. The capital of Liechtenstein, the city of Vaduz Liechtenstein, is pleased to show tourists at any time of year. The Principality of Liechtenstein amazes the whole world not only with its miniature size but also with the features of nature, way of life, customs and manners of the country, which may also cause your interest in Liechtenstein.

1. Amazing nature of Liechtenstein

nature of liechtenstein Of course, it is possible to see pastoral natural landscapes of the Alps in other European countries, but to estimate the concentration of all this beauty is possible only in miniature Liechtenstein. Three different types of landscapes managed to squeeze into the territory, occupying less space on the map than the capitals of some states. The country's north is decorated with relief lowlands, in the southeastern part rise spurs of the Rhaetian Alps, and the west of the Principality received fertile land of the Rhine Valley. In winter, tourists travel to Liechtenstein to relax in the ski resort Malbun, and in summer, to take a hike on the Alpine panoramic trail. Or just rent a car and ride with the breeze around the country, enjoying the fabulous views. The main thing is not to speed up too much; otherwise, you can accidentally fly out of the Principality and find yourself on the territory of your neighbour - Switzerland or Austria. After all, where is Liechtenstein? On the border of these two states. Because of its miniature size, the country continually becomes an object for jokes, which end immediately after a visit to this fabulous land.

2. Offshore zone in Liechtenstein

city of liechtenstein Despite its modest size, the Principality of Liechtenstein is surprisingly wealthy. Residents of Liechtenstein are five times richer than people in the USA. Living standards in the Principality are also evidenced by the fact that the service personnel come to work here from such prosperous countries as Austria and Germany. The point is that the Principality of Liechtenstein is a country with a low level of taxes for foreign corporations and companies. In other words, it is an offshore zone, where a significant share of world capital is concentrated. Also, it is a state that is not burdened with foreign debt and knows how to keep the secrets of bank deposits sacred. For the government to give its consent to register in an offshore zone, the company must take one of the residents as a companion. At present, every native of Liechtenstein receives a salary from about two foreign companies. For these reasons, it is not so easy to obtain citizenship of Liechtenstein. The most closed state of Europe is not in a hurry to give out dividends in the form of passports to newcomers. A weighty bank account, a list of merits, marital relations with a citizen of the Principality and a long period of stay in a baby country will be a bonus when considering a citizenship application.

3. Interesting way of life and morals

liechtenstein mountains It is impossible to understand what Liechtenstein is at first sight. The view of the central street, Castle Liechtenstein on a hill and unremarkable deserted neighbourhoods around it, pastoral medieval mountain landscapes with cute houses of locals do not give any idea about the true essence of this tiny but truly royal country. The state got its name on behalf of Austrian princes from the ancient family of Liechtenstein. The possessions of this powerful clan can be found on the map of many sovereign countries. The prosperity of the princedom was not always so steadfast. There were also hard times in its history when the government, weakened by the First World War, was so low that only selling family relics from the collection of Liechtenstein could somehow support the agonizing economy. The country's position on the international scene changed the adoption of reforms that provided foreign companies with meagre taxes and attractive conditions for business. Over time, the tourist infrastructure of the highest standard also appeared. Even the absolute well-being of residents does not allow them to exhibit their wealth. There is practically no crime in the Principality. The police force consists of less than 100 people, and the Liechtenstein people rarely lock the doors of their homes, as the last serious crime in the country was committed more than ten years ago. At present, only seven prisoners are serving their sentences in prison, and no more than three hundred Liechtenstein people are unemployed. The highest value of the country is proclaimed not to be material wealth but human and the nature around him.

4. Highly industrial country

Liechtenstein is a prosperous, highly industrial country with developed financial services and the highest standard of living. "The World Factbook", published by the CIA, states that Liechtenstein is the wealthiest country in the world in terms of gross domestic product per capita, which is 140 thousand dollars a year. The basis of such well-being is the symbiosis of political neutrality and economic stability of the Principality. The priority area of the state economy is the manufacturing industry. Metal processing and precision instrument-making, optics and production of vacuum equipment, electronic systems, microprocessors bring the state not only a decent income but also a worldwide reputation. A significant part of the economic niche is occupied by the food industry: canned food and wine production, textile and pharmaceutical production, ceramic industry. Liechtenstein is the world's largest manufacturer of porcelain dentures and hygiene products. The tourism industry is more than profitable. In addition to the desire to know where is Liechtenstein and how to get there, tourists are interested in the natural landscapes of Liechtenstein, perfectly adapted for both summer and winter holidays. Monuments of medieval architecture, winter resorts of the Alps, and, of course, the main attraction of the Principality - the widely known museum of postal in Vaduz - attract travellers who decided to visit the baby country. Three hundred shop windows with logos, produced since 1912, are the main exhibits of the postal museum. Revenue from the publication and sale of stamps is 10% of the budget of the Principality of Liechtenstein. One-third of the country's income consists of taxes of companies and concerns, as well as income from tourism.

5. Rent the country of Liechtenstein

village of liechtenstein And now, about the most interesting. A citizen of any country in the world can rent the territory of Liechtenstein for one day. Of course, you will have to pay for this pleasure. And a lot - 70 thousand dollars. But isn't the opportunity to become a head of state and feel "on the horse", at least for 24 hours, not worth this money? However, one should inform the authorities in advance about his imperial plans. The way to the princely throne is not easy. Except for the detailed list of actions in the rank of the monarch, it is necessary to execute all documents regulating your orders, decrees and decisions in advance. And if you step on the path of the head of state, you should be ready not only for secular entertainment and solemn trips to nature. It will be necessary to deal with real state affairs, with all the ensuing consequences. And the consequence of your rule legally can be a change of political order and growth of the financial system. That is actions that can profoundly affect the well-established state system of the Principality. In Liechtenstein, it was taken into account and made the process of coronation and assumption of the monarch as tricky as possible. The reason for this is also a meticulous approach to the execution of documents and specially created obstacles. Even having the necessary amount on hand, it will not be easy to become the ruler of Liechtenstein, even for a short time. So what is the point of the project then? The Principality of Liechtenstein makes an excellent promotion without investing a single Swiss franc in it. What to see in Liechtenstein? Ancient castles, chapels and cathedrals, museums, squares and streets, monuments and natural attractions. Isn't it a reason to visit Liechtenstein?

6. Vaduz Castle, ancient home of Liechtenstein’s royal family

vaduz castle Since Liechtenstein is a tiny country, there are not so many sights. But the small number of architectural objects interesting for tourists is compensated by their quality. Or rather, their venerable age. The castles, fortresses and cathedrals of Liechtenstein boast the centuries-old history and look as if they just came off the pages of an illustrated medieval novel. The same is true for the castle of Liechtenstein in Vaduz. The impregnable medieval citadel during World War II became a refuge for some members of European royal families, and today it is the seat of the ruling dynasty of Liechtenstein. The first documentary mention of the castle dates back to the XIV century, but according to some reports, construction of the fortress began earlier, in the XII century. The Vaduz Castle became the property of the family of princes of Liechtenstein at the beginning of the XVIII century, but then, for a very long time, there was an inn. It was only at the end of the 19th century that Prince Johann II rebuilt the castle, turned it into a family nest of the princely family. Since 1938 the castle has legally housed the residence of the country's rulers. The majestic fortification - Vaduz Castle - is situated on a high hill above the town of the same name. The magnificent panorama of the capital of the Duchy and its environs unfolds from the mountain. And in essence, you can see the whole of Liechtenstein. A tourist can get to the inner territory of the castle only once a year - August 15, the National Day of the State. Climbing up to the castle along a paved path, anyone on this day can take part in the feast and inspect all 130 rooms of the residence.

7. Gutenberg Castle, iconic building in Liechtenstein

gutenberg castle Another iconic medieval building in Liechtenstein is the Gutenberg Castle, located on a 70-meter high mountain in the very south of the country, a few kilometres from the Swiss border. At first, the castle amazes with its view from afar - it seems to be very small against the background of majestic Alpine mountains. Come closer, and the traveller will be shocked by the size, power and thoroughness of the construction, which belongs to the XI-XII centuries. Terraces with numerous vineyards surround the impregnable citadel. Over the centuries, the outpost was repeatedly almost wholly destroyed and survived several significant fires. The castle owes its present appearance to the talented sculptor and artist from Vaduz Egon Reinberger, who in the early 20th century restored the dilapidated and abandoned fortress. Since 1979, the castle has been the property of the princes of Liechtenstein. Only the lower courtyard of Gutenberg, where a conceptual sculpture of a black horse with a gilded head facing Switzerland, is permanently open to visitors. Metaphorical message: The sovereign Principality of Liechtenstein is associated with Switzerland. During festivals and theatrical performances, anyone can enter the castle. In the courtyard, there is a beautiful rose garden and a medieval Gothic-style chapel. On the east side of the court, you can see the ruins of St. Nicholas Church with the preserved part of the masonry and the tower.

8. Vaduz Cathedral, must-visit-place in Liechtenstein

vaduz cathedral The main cathedral church of Vaduz or St. Florin Cathedral - a strict grey Neo-Gothic style building - stands out against the background of snowcaps of the Alps. The interior decoration and architecture of the church dissonate with its appearance. The asceticism and simplicity of the temple's interior design are more in line with Protestant canons. Built on the site of the ruined church, the cathedral building for a long time served as a simple church parish. Until 1997, to the time when Pope John Paul II established the Archdiocese of Vaduz, the St. Florin Cathedral have always been chosen as the main cathedral of the Principality. Two stairs with an elegant forged railing lead to the cathedral's central entrance. In the niche recesses in front of the temple, there are two statues: the Virgin Mary with the baby and the Virgin Mary mourning the death of the Savior. In the church are buried members of the royal family of Liechtenstein. The elegant building of the Cathedral of St. Florin harmoniously fits into the fringing landscape, and the spire of the building is the visiting card and symbol of the capital of Liechtenstein.

9. Mount Three Sisters, mountain peaks of the Alps

view drei schwesterns mountains From almost anywhere in the city of Vaduz Liechtenstein, travellers open their eyes to three picturesque mountain peaks of the Alps, which locals gave the name Three Sisters. On the one hand, at the foot of the mountain range is the capital of Liechtenstein - Vaduz. Descending from the opposite slope of the mountain, you can get to Austria. The highest peak rises to 2053 meters above sea level, which is a record even for alpine Liechtenstein. And what is surprising is that the upper part of one of the peaks is decorated with a medieval castle dating back to the IX century. And on the neighbouring peak's slope, you may see fortress's ruins, which once served as the residence for Liechtenstein's monarch. The mountain relief is perfect for lovers of mountain tourism: trekking, hiking and climbing. But to go on one of the selected routes is better in an organized group. Even the similar hiking trails "Three Sisters" carry a lot of dangers and unpleasant surprises for inexperienced travellers and professionals. History has preserved the name of the first person who is 1870, climbed the highest peak of the mountain range. It was Scottish John Douglas.

10. Contemporary art of Liechtenstein

museum of modern art of liechtenstein Among the many objects of contemporary art in Liechtenstein, two are particularly notable: the Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein and Two Light Prisms By Heinz Mack. And both of these attractions are located in Vaduz Liechtenstein. In the museum, you can get acquainted with the main trends of modern art not only in the Principality but also in other countries, and the exhibition covers the period from XIX to the early XXI century. Tourists are especially interested in sculptural compositions made in the art of believers - "poor art" of the XX century, as well as original installations and unusual art objects. But the museum building itself, which appeared in Vaduz in 2000, attracts much interest among travellers. The strict architectural structure in the form of the black cube, decorated with river pebbles, is completely changed inside. Museum's snow-white halls show not only Art Nouveau works but also a vast private collection of the princes of Liechtenstein and a group of paintings by gallerist Rolf Ricke. Light prisms of the talented German artist Heinz Mack appeared in Liechtenstein in 2006. Since then, two substantial glass prisms have always attracted the attention of tourists with their grand appearance. Once disappointed in the possibilities of paint, the artist began to work with movement and light. So appeared in the centre of Vaduz these extraordinary art objects - three-sided glass prisms. Depending on the refraction of sunlight or artificial light, the walls of prisms become transparent, and they are painted with iridescent colours or acquire a mirror tint—a fascinating light representation. I hope you have made sure that the Principality of Liechtenstein deserves to visit it. If not immediately, then very shortly. Despite the miniature size of the country, you will always find something to see in Liechtenstein. The land of the ancient princely family of Liechtenstein will hospitably meet every traveller and discover its natural, architectural and cultural treasure.

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