10 things I wish I knew before going to Eswatini

10 things I wish I knew before going to Eswatini

Gunel Eyvazli03 November 20201422 views7 min. read
10 things I wish I knew before going to Eswatini
Mozambique. The country is a monarchy and ruled by a King. Probably this came from their previous colonized country England. The political system is not the only item passed down in English. The official language of Eswatini is English. Do you know what is the capital of Eswatini? Mbabane is the Capital of Eswatini. During the 20th century, the country struggled to gain independence. British vandalized settled in the country and sucked their natural resources. When people are devoted to kicking them out of their country, they agreed with criminals, at least to maintain one part of the country. Locals fought with the British and criminals. Even today, there is one sightseeing called execution rock, where the last members of criminals jumped off the cliff.  In 2018, Eswatini name changed to Swaziland. The king ruled the kingdom. The economy of the country is heavily dependent upon GDP and services. Lands are agriculturally fertile. There are many precious metals in the country, as well. Mining composes 13% of the income of the country. 

1. Dance me to the end of life

umhlanga aka reed dance This country is unique in Africa. The Eswatini population preserves their unique traditions. One famous dance preserved is Umhlanga. Some people call this dance a reed dance. During August - September months, there are many celebrations where is Eswatini people and spend their time demonstrating a bite from their traditions. This ceremony takes place one-week-long—many people from different parts of the country and even the world visit to celebrate. Queen Mother is called Kraal, watches many girls, and chooses her favorite one. It is a tradition that reminds everyone of their importance in the eyes of the author's position. The official language of Eswatini or the kingdom of Eswatini is English and Siswati. People parade before the king and wait for applause from her. 

2. Amazing Scenery

beautiful mountains Eswatini composed of many mountains, hills, and valleys, as well as rivers and lakes. If you ask me what is the capital of Eswatini, the answer would be a mountainous city in southern Africa. The mountainous side of the country attracts a lot of tourists each year. Lakes between mountains bring beauty that has no equity on the earth. Although the country is not on the shores of the ocean, there are amazing views that are compelling for many travelers. Sheba's Breast mountain is one of the main tourist destinations. Where is Eswatini is a question that has an answer related to execution rock? Execution Rock is another favorite place for visitors. The Eswatini population calls this place execution rock because of its history. In 1968, a group of criminals chased this rock, and they jumped down with the hope of surviving. This was the event that triggered the formation and independence of the country. Several other parts, such as Mlilwane Wildlife Sanctuary, continue to draw tourists' attention and become a place of income for the country.  The country is in a perfect climate. Winters are dry, and the summer temperature is around 20 degrees. It is one of the rarest countries in Africa which has four seasons, when it is winter in the northern part of Ecuador, Swaziland cheer summer, and vice-versa.

3. Saddle up horses

horse Eswatini is a unique country for many reasons. This place is famous for its horses as well. Tourists love to try African horse ranches, especially where is Eswatini. Main guests of ranchos come from the American continent. These ranchos are a little bit away from the capital of Eswatini. Do you know "what is the capital of Eswatini"? From Mexico to Brazil, people with a interest in horses flow to Eswatini to see horses. Some argue that "Dark Horse" is from Eswatini because of its long feet and muscled body. To travel to see Eswatini horses, you need to get on a train. The way will take you to ranchos, passing through high grassland and pineapple fields. The wildlife of the region is also amazing. On the way, most certainly, you will come across herds of zebras.

4. Unique places to stay 

mlilwane sanctuary camp I informed you about the unique African architectural designs. Many ethnicities built houses that resemble beehives. The huts are circular on the outside and inside are warmer than normal houses. Swazi was the name of a tribe that lived in the areas of today's Eswatini. Swazi tribes built similar huts for themselves back in the old history. Modern versions of huts are flexible in size employed with ceiling and verandas. People love to observe sunset and sunrise. These huts are especially famous in mountainous parts of the country. Even in the Capital of Eswatini, you can find a lot of such homes. 

5. Cultural integrity

swazi princesses Swazi people have their own unique way of celebrating anything. On 19th April, every year, the Head of the Kingdom of Eswatini, King, celebrates her birthday. This is a special occasion for the country. People flow to the celebration point to dance and sing. In August and September months, governors organize the Reed Dance Festival, whe most famous festival in the country and other neighboring countries. Sometimes guests from Johannesburg come to these celebrations to show warm relationships between two neighboring countries. If you did not book your ticket yet, try to choose these dates to come to Eswatini. You will be an honored guest of locals. But before that, do you know what is the official language of Eswatini? It is in English.  Showing them how you respect their festivals and why you choose these special dates surely will result in great respect toward you. 

6. Delicious Eswatini cuisine

eswatini cuisine African cuisine is something that you can not find anywhere on earth. They love meat so much. But before trying their food, you need to know the official language of Eswatini. Adding millions of species to meat and various kinds of fish makes African cuisine mouth-watering. Celebrations we talked about above are places for food fares. People mix fruits with vegetables and make unique and weird combinations. Salads and additions to meals are just a few to talk about when it comes to Eswatini cuisine. Various fish types are mostly imported from Mozambique, and people invent new recipes every day. Eswatini name change coincides with 2018, April. This day is important for the Eswatini population, and they cheer this day up. And show their incredible ability to cook. 

7. Plenty of adventures

mlilwane wildlife sanctuary scenery If you happened to visit Eswatini, you gotta have many adventures here. Caving, white-water rafting, and abseiling are just a few to talk about what to do in Eswatini. Are you into car racing? What about the canopy? There are organized canopy tours in the Malolotja Natural Resource. This national park locates in the southern part of the country—bridges over mountains and rivers. Several tour agencies organize bridge tours to several parts of the country.  Do you want to have more close interaction with nature? Mlilwane Wildlife Sanctuary is a great spot on Eswatini. This sanctuary is a little bit away from the Capital of Eswatini. 

8. Birdy country

purple crested turaco There are various bird kinds in the country. Purple-crested turaco is one of the most famous bird kinds in the country. Tour guides will help you to distinguish different birds according to their colors. If you ask what is the official language of Eswatini, it is English. There are more than 500 kinds of birds, and many national parks have millions of unique flora and fauna members in the country. With the neighboring countries, Eswatini and other countries collaborated to build up new sanctuaries together. Some bird types are so unique that other members from the same family live in Indonesia or Northern American countries. 

9. Arguably the Youngest country 

mbabane downtown In the year of 1968, the country gained its independence after a bloody struggle. Britain colonized the country as many other African countries. In the same year, the king of the country died. The long struggle between civilians ended with a new and flourishing kingdom of Eswatini. 

10. Candle centers

curio arts and crafts market Malkerns Valley is home to Eswatini candles. The Eswatini population especially makes candles to represent their tradition and living styles. Many kinds of candles are famous among all travelers to the country. These locals who work for the company, earn daily income for living out of this job. To buy the most beautiful candles, you need to know what is the official language of Eswatini. Candles are not only but the main commodity that centers produce—many animals depicted in the candles such as elephants and monkeys. During the August and September months, candle center see the most number sales. After the Eswatini name change to Swaziland, a new name is depicted on every single candle. 

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