Brazil of the dreams

Brazil of the dreams

Baba Aghayev03 July 20192190 views2 min. read
Brazil of the dreams
Brazil? Brazil is the largest country in South America and the fifth-largest country in the world

Travel to Rio de Janeiro

It was the first time I was crossing the ocean. To the country and the city of my dreams. Travel to Rio de Janeiro. As the plane was approaching the Rio de Janeiro airport, I could see the hills of Rio. I could not believe in the panoramic view I had from the window – the unity of the beaches, hills, and the forest. I was thinking that I am still watching “The Clone” telenovela. Probably, I was the most excited one on the plane (I have not ever felt that excitement on any other flight). How could not I? I came to the city, to the country of Pele, Ronaldinho, the Christ the Redeemer, Copacabana Beach, the place where the movie Cidade de Deus was filmed. brazil rio dashing view I had come to a 7-week social project through AIESEC. When my father “confirmed” my trip, he just asked one thing in security terms. I could stay anywhere else except favelas. Coincidentally, my host family lived in the heart of the favela. This environment that seemed to be dangerous in the first days later turned into a home for me. The gunfire I could hear every day and the “black market” I saw every day became very ordinary for me in 1 or 2 days. christ the redeemer and sky As I was getting familiar with the country and the people, I started to love this place even more. How can I explain that feeling of fun I had while playing the futsal with Brazilians as a football fan? Or to watch the football at the historic Maracana Stadium, the largest stadium in the world? Or swimming at Copacabana Beach every day? How to describe the view opening from the place where the Pau de Acucar (Sugarloaf Mountain) and the Christ the Redeemer are? I can not also describe the lifestyle and beauty of the beaches of Ilha Grande Island, the most beautiful island in the world for me. You should see it yourself. fan of brazil football team Do a favour for yourself. Start collecting money right now. Do not say "I have travelled a lot" without seeing Rio, Brazil. Yes, for sure, you will have difficulties for a year due to the money you collect. But, the landscape you will see as soon as you land in Rio will make you the happiest person in the world.

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