12 Instagrammable places in Guinea-Bissau

12 Instagrammable places in Guinea-Bissau

Ieva Miltina07 November 20202054 views9 min. read
12 Instagrammable places in Guinea-Bissau

Not many will know where is Guinea Bissau located and what the Guinea-Bissau landscape is like. But that is probably one of the reasons why you are reading this article - to find out more about this tiny but beautiful country. Or maybe you are a travel-savvy influencer looking for ways how to get more followers on Instagram by visiting unlikely destinations. Well, you are in the right place, my friend! Because in this article, I will give you a list of the 12 most instagrammable places in Guinea-Bissau. That just happens to be a destination yet to be discovered by tourist masses. And who knows - maybe your next most liked Instagram photo will be taken in one of them. Let’s start with some basic information.

Where is located?

guinea-bissau on the map

Because not many know where is Guinea Bissau located, it is no surprise that not as many people search for options to spend their holidays there. This country is located in West Africa, and it is larger than Belgium! The location on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean has gifted the nation with many pristine islands and white sandy beaches. 

What is the capital of Guinea-Bissau?

capital of guinea-bissau

Well, it will be easy for you to remember the name of the capital of Guinea-Bissau because it is already included in the name of the country. The capital city is named Bissau, and it lies on the Atlantic coast, at the delta of the Geba River. The population of this city is almost half a million and has risen almost five times since 1979. Nevertheless, all of these facts might be slightly boring if all you are looking for is some inspiration for your Instagram posts. Therefore, let’s just get on with the list!

1. Bissagos islands

bissagos archipelago

Where to start with? I know that this might be a slightly broad concept to grasp because these islands take up quite a large territory and impressions too. Nevertheless, if you are wondering how to get more followers on Instagram, then this archipelago will make it easy for you. The undeniable beauty of the Guinea-Bissau landscape, the abundance of particularly exotic and wild animals, as well as plants. These islands also named the Bijagos, are a United Nations World Heritage Biosphere Reserve exactly for this reason. But the catch for the spree of neverending likes under your pictures will be the cosy and somewhat cute hippos, the rare manatees, and even dolphins! This short paragraph is not enough to explain the myriad of opportunities for amazing shots that you will be able to get at practically no effort. Just go there and take in the beauty on every corner!

2. Saltinho rapids


Some people even call this Saltinho waterfall, but in reality, it is a formation of rocks that cuts the flow of water beautifully. The rapids might be a little underwhelming, taken separately from anything else. Nevertheless, there are a few catches you should consider before ditching the place from your list. Some of the most amazing views for your Instagram feed will be with the local women washing clothes on the rock terraces right next to the bridge. This seemingly ordinary view of ladies chatting and going about their daily routines will be a great moment to capture. Besides that, the rock terraces look quite spectacular too!

3. Carnival


This is one of the traditions strongly embedded in the culture of Guinea-Bissau, but it is something left by the Portuguese who owned the country back in the day. Just imagine all the best carnival traditions and joy merged with this African rhythm, colours, and symbolism! Parade, drums, and dances. People are celebrating for four days, dressed up in the most vibrant costumes and masks. Each February such festivities invite all inhabitants to go out and enjoy celebrations on the streets. I hope the description is vivid enough to make you understand why this moment might be the best for you to visit. And maybe even create the most liked Instagram photo you ever had. The richness of culture and authentic emotion is something that translates into images really well!

4. Dakosta Eco Lodge


It is sunset. You are in a hammock on the beach, drinking a cocktail and thinking that you must have gone to heaven to experience such beauty. If you are looking for instagrammable places to feature some of that beautiful Guinea-Bissau landscape, then this will work like a charm. Additionally, Dakosta Eco Lodge runs a retreat program and will offer you some nice opportunities to get to know the local culture and foods. Just embrace the hospitality, the beauty of life, and show it online to get showered by likes from your Instagram followers!

5. Bafata


Did you know that Guinea-Bissau was a colony of Portugal for a long time? Not anymore, but the reminders of these times are still there though. Head directly to Bafata to see and capture some of the most beautiful colonial architecture in decay. My favourites were the Old Market, Our Lady of Grace Cathedral and generally the houses in this town. Full of contrasts and instagrammable places for your authentic Guinea-Bissau posts.

6. Bolama


This is another visually unique town that will make you and your Instagram followers curious about this country. Bolama used to be the capital, but in 1941 it was transferred to Bissau. Visiting Bolama will give you images about past glory and the earth reclaiming everything built by humans. Houses eaten by trees and other plants are now crumbling almost in front of your eyes...and camera. Capture the lost beauty of the Governor’s Palace!

7. Rubane beaches


Go to the island of Rubane, and you will be extremely happy for choosing this destination for the well-deserved beach holiday. It literally looks like paradise on earth! And if you stay at Ponta Anchaca Lodge (built, literally, on the beach), you just can’t go wrong. Wooden huts, palm trees, white sand, and turquoise water. Et voila! Here is your next most liked Instagram photo!

8. Bubaque beaches with cows


I think that by this point you have already gotten the message. Beach photos from Guinea-Bissau will be rather easy to come across. Unique moments and unexpected scenarios will be the ones to catch the eye of your Instagram followers. Keeping that in mind, many of the beaches on Bubaque island will suddenly become the most Instagrammable places. All because of particular local mammals that apparently also enjoy some beach time, just like you. Get a photo of those chill cows on the white beach sand, and I promise, your like-meter will hit the sky in a second.

9. Lagoas Cufada Natural Park

This is yet another instagrammable spot that will feature the incredibly beautiful Guinea-Bissau landscape. Besides being great for capturing images of hippos, leopards, hyenas, and many other exotic animals, it features the most typical lagoons with water lilies. Just get a boat, go to Lagoas Cufada and feel like in a Monet painting, surrounded by those floating leaves and flowers.

10. Mon Di Timba Monument

You will not forget this monument because of its particular shape and the backstory. Mon Di Timba literally means “the hand of Timba” and, surely, does look like it. A hand almost clenched into a fist, held high in the air. On Instagram and other social media, you will often see images with people sitting on the colourful steps right in front of this monument. But whenever you are there taking Instagram photos, just make sure to act respectfully. The monument was built in honour of those who died in the Pidjiguiti massacre in 1959.

11. Paintings on house walls in Bissau

retro bike

This country has lots of instagrammable places that are rather nature-oriented. The colourful paintings on walls all over the city of Bissau (the capital of Guinea-Bissau) will be a unique and memorable object to capture on your camera. Take into consideration that this is street art, and many paintings will reveal some deeper meaning and symbols of the local culture. An amazing opportunity to talk with locals and find out more!

12. Central Market of Bissau

bandim market

If you have read my other articles, you already know that I love visiting authentic markets to get the feel of the city and local culture. And this case is no different. The Central Market in Bissau will be a great spot to observe people, buy souvenirs, and snap some colourful Instagram photos for your #travelgram! My favourite item was the colourful fabrics so typical to this culture - visually appealing and definitely eye-catching!

Thinking how to get more followers on Instagram might occupy your mind most of the time, but let me calm you for a moment. You are already on the right track if you are here, reading this article. Figuring out and travelling to unique and particularly Instagrammable places is one of the most effective ways to achieve it! Just pick a destination, do some research on things to see, and pack your photography gear. And in the spirits of this post, consider Guinea-Bissau among other Instagrammable places to visit whenever the travel bans are lifted!

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