Santa Cruz de la Sierra is a city in Bolivia. To
travel to Bolivia, North America is a fantastic experience. This city is the biggest in Bolivia, even bigger than the Capital - Sucre. The city was founded in 1561, and native citizens are Chanye Indians.
Travel to Santa Cruz de la Sierra would give you a good insight into the culture, cuisine, and living style of Indians. Spanish explorers visited the city and took part in urbanization, and introduced European lifestyles. You are visiting old buildings to see the city's diverse history is what to do in Santa Cruz de la sierra. There is more than the city's architectural significance, a lot of instagrammable places in Santa Cruz de la Sierra. The city is famous for warm winters and rainy summers. If you share your summer photo from Santa Cruz de la Sierra, it will probably be your most-liked Instagram photo. Let's introduce you to I
nstagrammable places in Santa Cruz de la Sierra.
1. Ambro National Park

I have to mention that Northern American countries are different from the rest of the world because of their diverse nature. These countries are mostly green, and even the largest forest in the world is situated there. Bolivia, Santa Cruz, is no different than others. Visiting forests and national parks are the main
things to do in Santa Cruz. Ambro National Park is one of the famous and also instagrammable places in the city. There are more than 912 kinds of bird species in the park and more than 170 mammalian species. You can see many photos on Instagram while hunting in Santa Cruz. Visitors of Ambro National Park are mostly nature lovers. Bolivia and Santa Cruz's tropical climate answers the question of
what to do in Santa Cruz de la Sierra. Instagrammable places include tropical forests and natural parks.
2. Basillica Menor de San Lorenzo

It is the first church built in Santa Cruz. This church was destroyed and rebuilt several times.
Travel to Bolivia but not seeing old-style churches would not be a great idea. What makes this church worth sharing on the most liked Instagram photo is a special kind of architectural integrity. A trip to the church should be on the top of the "
what to do in Santa Cruz de la Sierra" list. Wooden vaults welcome visitors with pictorial decoration. In the 20th century, the integrity of the church was tilted by removing ceramic bricks. For most history and architecture lovers, travel to Santa Cruz is travel to the
Basilica Menor de San Lorenzo.
3. Garden of Botanico Municipal de

Two hundred seventeen hectares of botanical garden situated on the national highway Ruta Nacional. The garden's climate brings millions of tourists and sometimes answers the "
what to do in Santa Cruz de la sierra" question. To enter the natural beauty requires 10 bolivianos. In the proximity, Pirai River crosses where visitors can take the most liked Instagram photo. The forest is subtropical, and mostly rainy weather is following summer days. The lagoon is one part of the park where aquatic plants combined with aquatic and migratory birds. Some part of the park is less dense, and this place is well-known as Transitional forest. Do you want to take a transitional photo to describe the temporality of life and things?
Travel to Santa Cruz de la Sierra, travel to the Garden of Botanica. The best time to visit the park is from August to November.
4. Plaza 24de Septiembre

This place is the center of Santa Cruz.
Travel to Santa Cruz must involve travel to Plaza 24 de Septiembre. It is a place where you can see dancers, hear national music almost all day long. Locals are so enthusiastic to dance with them. The street is hectic regardless of the season and hour. Are you full of energy? Why not visit Plaza 24 de Septiembre? In the square close, there is a statue of the hero of Bolivia – Warner Ignacio.
Warner fighter for the country during the 1800th to liberate the country from Spanish invaders. Another reason to travel to Santa Cruz, some of the colonial buildings located in this square. Another great news is that you can hear and even take pictures to share on Instagram. This is an old North American Musical instrument.
Travel to Santa Cruz, Plaza 24 de Septiembre, would miss its attraction if you don't visit San Lorenzo Cathedral. The impressive red brick building is one of the most
Instagrammable places in Bolivia.
5. Ventura Mall

In front of the Mall, you can see a large guitar and the name on it "
Hard Rock." It is complex and involves several kinds of services and purchasing centers.
Bolivian national brands such as La Rivera, Mi Salud, and others provide service for both citizens and tourists in this Mall. Moreover, the Mall employed several street food providers on the upper floors. It is more than a simple western mall in a way to maintain the integrity of the country. This
instagrammable place attracts tourists who are into shopping. The commercial parts are open every day of the week except Sunday. In the Mall, local service points such as banks and travel agencies work a full week, including weekends.
Things to do in Santa Cruz include going shopping in Ventura Mall. Their products are representing several worldly brands such as Adidas, Baby Corp, and Manhattan.
6. Noel Kempf Mercado Park

This place is national patrimony and in the list of protection of UNESCO.
Travel to Santa Cruz de la Sierra is unfinished if you are not visiting Noel Kempf Park. The park brings a huge diversity of flora and fauna together. Caparau Plateau is a famous waterfall locates in Noel Kempf. Travel to Bolivia has the opportunity to travel to the best waterfalls on earth. The importance of ecosystems in the park is that some kinds are in danger of extinction. Some tourists reported that there are even jaguars that are in danger of extinction in this area. This city is worth traveling to in the instagrammable spot in Santa Cruz de la Sierra.
7. San Jose de Chiquitos

Founded by Jesuit fathers in the 18th century, the church is far away from the city center. UNESCO declared to rebuild and refurbish all Jesuit buildings in 1990, including this church. You can visit the monument at any time of the year and take the
most liked Instagram photo in this place. Even today, people are coming to church to listen to music. Some points of the
San Jose de Chiquitos carry special importance by their historical, natural, or cultural bonds. The Mirador, the moon's valley, and others are examples of strictly protected places close to San Jose cathedral. This place is a great example of
things to do in Santa Cruz de la sierra. Spend your time in the church and share at least one Instagram photo with your friends.
8. Metropolitan Cathedral

The Metropolitan Cathedral of Santa Cruz dates back to the 18th century. This is one of the historically essential buildings built during Spanish rule. The construction saw repairs several times under the rule of different kings. In 1838, French architecture shaped the modern version of the building. Even today, some residents visit this place not only to listen to music but to observe historical changes and take I
nstagrammable photos.
9. Parque Arenal

This place is famous among locals and great for strolling and taking a lounge. In the center of the Arena monument of a famous Bolivian artist stands. Lorgia Voca is well known for murals. In close proximity to the area, there is an ethnographic
museum of Santa Cruz. For some tourists going there is in the list of
things to do in Santa Cruz because of artifacts. These artifacts represent evidence from many ethnicities. Take
instagrammable photos with old artifacts in Parque Arenal.
10. Cotoca Sanctuary

This is a large place that involves some churches. These praying places are different in regards to architectural styles. Tourists are flowing here and taking their
most liked Instagram photo. The entryway to Chiquitania is from Cotoca. Pottery stores in the area demonstrate cultural background. Travel to Santa Cruz de la Sierra and buy colorful hammocks in Cotoca Sanctuary.
11. Cabanes del Pirai

The landscape of this place is just amazing. Dense forests, a range of mountains, and accompanied rivers make this place unique. Before sorting out
things to do in Santa Cruz, you need to watch videos from Cabanes del Pirai. Locals took the dirty roads of the side by providing motor cars to drive. Wanna a live experience that only saw northern American movies? Visit Cabanes del Pirai. Why not take and share your Instagram photo in Cabanes del Pirai?
12. Samaipata

This subtropical climate living area is in 1800 meters of sea level. The highland lies 120 km beside Santa Cruz de la Sierra. Waterfalls and lagoons are the main attractions for guests. One part of Samaipata reaches
Ambro National Park. The population is diverse as the nature of Samaipata comes from
Spanish colonists, local Indians, and Guarranis. The local infrastructure attracts many tourists, and a major economic force of Samaipata comes from tourism. Local farmers contribute to the economy by selling fruits and honey. As in most American countries, it's worth traveling to bolivia for its herbals.