French town of Strasbourg is probably one of the most unusual in all of Alsace. Developing under the influence of cultures of two countries - dreamy
France and militaristic Germany - the city on the Rhine has experienced many wars, reunions, and reconstructions.
So where do you begin your French insta-tour? What to see and where to take
most liked Instagram photos in Strasbourg?
This city has something to boast of. Let's go!
1. Parlement Europeen de Strasbourg

where is Strasbourg located - in the north-eastern region of France, bordering Germany - it is hard to believe that this is where the centre of Europe is. Moreover, it is the city where the fates of millions of people are at stake: members of the European Court of Human Rights, the European Parliament and even the Council of Europe sit here.
Having entered the query "most
Instagrammable places of Strasbourg" in the search line, at least in one of the lists, you will see one of the three buildings of the European Parliament, which is located in the north of the Capital of United Europe. The grandiose structure, consisting of steel and glass, is reflected in the stable flow of the Ile River waters. This building - an architectural pearl of France of the late 20th century - is worthy of spending several hours of your time visiting it.
Armed with a smartphone, camera, or any other device with a lens, you can make some particularly successful shots against the background of the
Tower of Babel in Strasbourg. So-called deliberately unfinished tower round shape, which organically complements the central structure of the European Parliament building in the form of a wing. If you want to capture the interior, please note that access inside is open 12 times a year when members of Parliament make crucial decisions.
2. Rue du Vieux-Marche-aux-Poissons

Known as the "
path of poachers" of the first half of the XII century, today, the street Vieux-Marche-Ox-Pouçon is famous for its unique atmosphere of antiquity. Filled with restaurants and bars to suit every taste and wallet, it is also home to the Museum of History, which is included in each, even the shortest tourist route.
At dusk, when all conservative
Europe is usually quiet, everything is just beginning here. Tourists run down the street in search of an aperitif, and the noisy companies of locals are already sitting on summer terraces waiting for a delicious dinner.
There is in such a non-tourist location, as
Vieux-Marchet-Ox-Poucon, that real France lives. Half-timbered houses and pointed roofs of more typical for the southeast houses look organic here, aromas of Alsace onion pie and sandwich with raisins attract, rivers of delicious dry wine pour in.
After crossing the bridge on the Vieux-Marche-Ox-Poucon, on the way, you will have a look at the mentioned
Historical Museum and get to the madly photogenic Notre Dame de Strasbourg.
3. Cathedrale Notre-Dame de Strasbourg

The walls of the
Strasbourg cathedral - the namesake of the Cathedral of Our Lady of Paris (Notre-Dame de Paris) - keep more than a thousand-year history of luck and disappointment, triumphant victories and unforgivable defeats. The architectural masterpiece, intriguing in its forms, is an expression of the unbreakable will of the freedom-loving French in the face of the difficulties of fate.
Described by
Victor Hugo as a "
light and tender miracle", the Strasbourg Cathedral is an ideal place to make some unconditionally successful shots at any time of day and night. Moreover, it is equally beautiful both inside and outside. The pointed towers and the facade, decorated with exquisite carved details, anticipate the magnificence of the column of Angels and the fonts of Dotstringer. The unique astronomical clock and multicoloured stained-glass windows can be seen from the threshold.
But take note: inside the cathedral has quite a poor lighting, so it is better to go a little higher for bright
Instagram pictures.
Overcoming the steep climb of
332 steps to climb the northern tower is not an easy task. But the game is worth a candle:
when you reach the end, you will be rewarded with a breathtaking panorama. On a spacious observation deck, you can capture the city scenery and yourself on their background from all possible angles, and on a clear day - to see the famous German Black Forest far on the horizon.
Down the stairs, pay attention to the architectural details that emphasize the medieval human desire for the sublime, heavenly, and beyond. Characteristic Gothic features are revealed in the invisible little things with a cursory glance. Looking at each of them in turn, you can even forget that the journey on the list of "
Instagrammable places in Strasbourg" is just beginning and the most exciting things are still ahead!
4. Maison Kammerzell

Not far from the main cathedral of Strasbourg, on Cathedral Square (Place de la Cathedrale), is the most famous secular building of the city - the House of Kammerzel. It is an example of a classic Alsace half-timbered building with a rich carved facade, on the background of which it is worth being photographed in a traditional costume. And don't dare to forget
where is Strasbourg - wear a truly French headdress with a bow made of black silk ribbons!
On each floor of the House, you can appreciate the illustrations of the talented Alsatian artist
Leo Shung. The German origin of the painter was the basis of his unusual for that time creative style. Each wall of the ground floor, for example, is decorated with allegorical frescoes by the illustrator since 1904.
A walk to the
Kammerzel House will lose all sense if you miss the opportunity to try a couple of dishes from the menu. Lunching surrounded by paintings of German mythology with a view of Notre Dame, you will certainly plunge into the atmosphere of tradition and its extraordinary interpretation, be inspired and be ready to conquer the lens with renewed vigour. France loves it when you take
Instagram pictures!
The House of Cammerzel is a memorial to history, which was once turned into a popular restaurant that serves only
traditional cuisine. Past, present, and future seem to have made a strong alliance here: the spirit of the XV century, when the building was erected in its original form, has not disappeared but flirted with new colours.
5. Barrage Vauban

The outstanding military engineer, Marshal and writer Sebastien Le Pretre de Vauban is considered one of the
best architects of the pre-Napoleonic period. Being also a master of military tactics, he took part in the construction of defence installations in many cities outside France. Built under the leadership of Vauban, fortresses are considered the World Heritage of Humanity. One of them is located almost in the heart of the capital Alsace.
The Vauban Dam is one of the most romantic, Instagrammable places in Strasbourg. Built in the XVII century, it consists of a bridge, dam and defensive structures, which served as a navigational function during armed confrontations.
Today, the Grande Ecluse de fortification attracts dozens of tourists and locals, regardless of the weather conditions, eager to catch the "golden hour" for a bright and fascinating
Instagram picture in French.
A visit to the dyke at dusk will be a pleasant ending to your stroll through Strasbourg. The sky drowning in the rays of the setting sun and the colourful illumination are reflected in the calm waters of the
Il River.
Also, the covered terrace of the Vauban Dam offers one of the best
Instagrammable views of the Little France quarter.
6. Maison des Ponts Couverts (Les Ponts Couverts de Strasbourg)

But not one Vauban Dam alone! Europe's
largest transport artery - the Rhine River flowing into the North Sea - is surrounded by many other stone and concrete structures, more or less elegant. For example, built on the Ile River (a tributary of the Rhine) in the XIII century, a complex of 3 bridges and four navigation towers called Ponts Couverts.
The large-scale construction towers over four channels, which penetrate through Little France - the quarter of Strasbourg with the richest, centuries-old history. From any of the bridges of
Ponts Couverts, you can enjoy a magnificent panoramic view of the Old Town. If you want to take more pictures, take a water streetcar ride. After such a leisurely trip, the question "where to make
most liked Instagram photos in Strasbourg?" has no chance to appear again - you will see everything with your own eyes!
Today, the defence complex is entirely open, defenceless in the face of the elements:
whether it's snow, rain or hail. But it was not always like this. Until 1784, over each of the bridges of this imposing structure were wooden roofs, which served as a shelter for soldiers. Since then, the name "
Strasbourg Covered Bridges" or "House of Covered Bridges" has been firmly established for Ponts Couverts.
7. La Petite France

At the crossroads of Vieux-Marchet-Ox-Poison and the
Instagrammable place de la Grande Boucherie, life in Little France is booming. Covered in a polished cobblestone, the neighbourhood captivates and enchants even the most demanding, a sighted traveller who is looking for something to see in Strasbourg for the soul, for aesthetic pleasure.
In the heart of Petite France, on the large embankment of the river Il, is one of the
best restaurants of Alsace - La Corde a Linge. Its name cannot be translated, but it is necessary to remember it when planning a gastronomic and photo route through Strasbourg. The exceptionally stylish and conceptual interior of the facility says goodbye to your Instagram.
On the territory of another restaurant in Little France -
Au Pont Saint-Martin - you can take a considerable number of photos, none of which will look like the other. The unusual shape of the building and the presence of several terraces, literally overhanging the waters of Ile, will provide you with this opportunity.
Here, in Little France, you want and will undoubtedly get lost. It does not matter if you make your photo, you are photographed, or there are no plans for a photo shoot in this cosy corner of the city at all: let yourself go where your eyes are looking. Slowly walking around the block, paying attention to every detail and wrapping in every alley - this is the only way to understand what the
Old Strasbourg was and is in fact.
8. L'ami Schutz

Last but not less impressive than all previous photo gastronomic stops in the list, "
what to see in Strasbourg" is famous for its cosiness and relaxed atmosphere. But the main feature of the restaurant
L'Ami Schutz is in its shelter building.
The facility's appearance is more than extraordinary: the whole surface from the foundation to the top of the sloping roof is covered with greenery. Such natural decor is mottled with emerald shades in spring; in summer, it resembles a flock of chaotically sitting wings to the wing of
Eclectus parrots; in autumn, it is painted in all shades of red, and in winter, it is covered with hundreds of thorny snowflakes.
Despite dishes' presentation, which are far from true installation beauty - they have more home carelessness than restaurant sophistication - L'Ami Schutz's interior is pleasing to the eye. Dim light puts the right accents in the spacious halls, decorated in the
best Alsatian traditions in French and German-style at the same time.
9. Musee d'Art Moderne et Contemporain de Strasbourg

Founded in 1973, the Strasbourg
Museum of Modern Art received its Place in the cultural environment of France only 15 years later in the heart of the historical quarter of the City of Roads. Like many of Strasbourg's installations, the Temple of Modernist Art is located near the Great Strasbourg Water - the River Il.
A stone's throw from the museum is the
Art Cafe, a simple cafe whose ex and interior are decorated in the Art Nouveau style. Sitting on the open coastal terrace, surrounded by glass columns and unusual structures, will make a few simple selfies "
for their own" or to remember a pleasant pastime.
Remember that the
Museum of Fine Arts (Musee des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg), which occupies the top must-see for tourists who first came to Strasbourg, is located one and a half kilometres from here. Why not devote some more time to the works of painters and sculptors, but already old time?
Instagrammable museums on Instagram are always beautiful!
10. International School des Pontonniers (Lycee International des Pontonniers)

Perhaps one of the most
unusual educational institutions in Western Europe is Strasbourg High School in the Carre d'Or quarter. Before becoming an academic retreat, the Lyceum Pontonier was both a barracks for soldiers fighting on Napoleon's side and a school for noble girls.
Inspired by the culture of the XV and XVI centuries, the architectural style of the School differs sharply from that in which the buildings of the neighbouring College of Engineering (E.N.G.E.E.S.) and let alone the Central Post Office of Strasbourg (Direction de La Poste) are executed. The latter, by the way, is one of the most striking examples of
German neo-Gothic buildings erected during the Prussian occupation of the late XIX century.
The Lyceum, whose windows overlook the fleeting Fos du Faux-Rampar, seems to be a reduced copy of Hogwarts. However, standing on the opposite bank or parallel to the impressive fence path, you inevitably forget
where is Strasbourg.
11. Place Gutenberg

Like the Grand Place in Brussels or the Plaza Mayor in Madrid, Gutenberg Square is an unmistakable meeting place for locals and a popular spot for guests. Situated in the heart of Strasbourg, the medieval Plaza is named after the first European printer
Johann Gutenberg.
Surrounded by the magical beauty of houses, which are mottled with bright facades and shaped roofs, the square should be a stop number 1 in each tourist route, especially if you choose
what to see in Strasbourg, to capture yourself against the background of local beauties and put a photo at least in Insta-stories.
Recently, Gutenberg Square has often hosted art exhibitions, thematically related to installations at the already mentioned Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art. In the evenings, the Strasbourg Platz is illuminated by bright carousel lights a few meters away from the monument to the German printer. The carousel, by the way, is genuinely
12. Parc de l'Orangerie

Being the oldest
park in Strasbourg, the Orangery is a favourite place for dates, jogging and walks with the family just an hour away from the French-German border.
At the entrance, there is a delicious Italian ice cream for sale, which will not be superfluous on a cosy, joyful, live photo card. An orangery is an ideal stop for a quiet rest in solitude or for organizing an
Insta picnic.
Here you can feel the atmosphere of local life in its entirety and even catch the look of
Alsace storks. It is believed that these full winged birds symbolize harmony, and those who were lucky enough to see them, shortly, a fateful meeting awaits.
Wanting to run in here for a minute just for a couple or three uncomplicated shots on the background of "
green green", you will make a huge mistake. Why not stop thinking about where to take
most liked Instagram photos in Strasbourg, and slow down, relax and as if put your journey on pause?
The most important thing is far from being a gigabyte of impressive photos that will not be ashamed to show to dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of subscribers. The most important thing is to reliably capture in your memory the moments worthy of attention years later. So,
apply for a France visa today be ready to take beautiful, Instagrammable photos.