7 Instagrammable places in Yaounde

7 Instagrammable places in Yaounde

Fatima Mammadova30 April 20212570 views7 min. read
7 Instagrammable places in Yaounde
where is Yaounde? Or do you know which Instagrammable places you need to visit to have a wonderful time in Yaounde? Or to make the most liked Instagram posts in Yaounde Cameroon? Are there any hotels in Yaounde? Or is Yaounde safe to travel? So where is Yaounde? Yaounde is in Cameroon. It is the Instagrammable capital of Cameroon. It is a fairly large country. In terms of area, it is comparable to Spain or the state of California. Very often Cameroon is called Africa in miniature. In Cameroon, due to its location and elongation, you can see natural zones: from evergreen rain forests on the coast to savannas and semi-deserts in the north. So, you can take a lot of the most liked Instagram photos there. Be ready to transform your Instagram page into the best among your peers and have the best time in Yaounde! yaounde city Cameroon has a fairly large number of attractions that can and should be visited as one of the most Instagrammable places. However, looking ahead, I want to say that very often you will have to resort to the services of a travel agency or private taxi. Some of the excursions can be arranged through your hotel. The currency of the country is the Central African franc (at the time of my trip, January 2008, the franc exchange rate was as follows: 450 francs for 1 dollar and 650 francs for 1 euro). Currency can be exchanged either at banks or in the offices of the Express Exchange agency. Usually, when exchanging currency, you will be asked for a copy of your passport with your details. So you can stock up on a few copies before your trip.  Today we will tell you about Instagrammable places in Yaounde. At the end of the article, we will tell you about hotels in Yaounde and answer the question is Yaounde safe to travel to? Moreover, we will give the most interesting facts about Cameroon.

1. Parouisse de N'Jong Melin

church in yaounde The magnificent church, called Parouisse de N'Jong Melin, is one of the main attractions not only of this town but also of the country as a whole. It can be a good opportunity for you to take most liked Instagram posts. This city is also rich in educational institutions, which you can get to know better if you visit them. Among the most famous educational institutions: the Higher Agricultural School, as well as the Higher National Polytechnic School and the National School of Administration. This list also includes the Higher Pedagogical School. In 1962, a world-famous university was opened in this city.

2. National Museum of Yaounde

museum of yaounde If you want to get most liked Instagram posts, you need to read about this place. You can get acquainted with the art and culture of this country in the Cameroon Museum of Art. Today the museum is located in the Benedictine Monastery. Although the museum is small in size, you can see a large number of interesting historical exhibits in it. Here you can see the decoration of the tribes that in ancient times lived in this territory, the samples of weapons that they used. You can also meet in this museum exhibits reflecting the art of the West. Walking through the halls of the Museum of Arts, you can compose a picture of those people who inhabited this territory many years ago.

3. The city center

The city center is densely built up with modern European-style buildings. The eastern and central parts are located: National Assembly - Parliament, Presidential Palace, headquarters of pan-African and international organizations, ministries, banks, foreign embassies, markets, and shopping districts. It is so Instagrammable! The National Museum is located in a two-story palace called Antangana. It was built by a powerful leader in the eighteenth century. Wonderful nature, picturesque streets, gorgeous monuments, and structures will not leave anyone indifferent, because this city contains amazing sights that make people admire, learn and rejoice. Exactly there you can take most liked Instagram photos and become number 1 on Instagram.

4. Monument de la Reunification

The Monument to the Reunification of Cameroon is multi-semantic. A bit of history: after the First World War, when Germany was defeated, Cameroon became a colony of England and France, which divided the territory between themselves into two separate states. Upon gaining independence in 1960, the first president, Ahidjo, did a lot to merge the English and French parts. This spiral, piercing into the sky, just symbolizes this fact. That is, they went upstairs and connected.

5. Blackitude Museum

Blackitude Museum is an ethnographic Instragrammable museum. The museum project began in March 1998 at the initiative of Her Majesty's Founding President Ngo Nab. Fo I NANA Agnes Sungio because of her deep willingness to save what remains of Cameroon's artistic heritage. As a member of the Bahuoc royal family, she carefully guarded the art collections that were bequeathed by her father and by the kings of other chiefdoms. In our opinion it can be considered one of the most Instagrammable places in Cameroon where you can take photos to make most liked Instagram posts.

6. Mefou National Park

gorillas If you're tired of the city's rust and dust, you can visit Mefou National Park, where you'll find plenty of places for your Instagram account. This place is located a 45-minute drive from Yaounde. There you will find guides who will show you the vast territory of the park and various types of animals.

7. Notre Dame Cathedrale

notre dame cathedrale The population of Cameroon is mainly Christian. That is why you can find here different Instagrammable places to take most liked photo here. One of this places is Nôtre Dame Cathédrale, which you should definitely to visit.   As for the quality of hotels in Yaounde, one must be prepared for the fact that Cameroon is not Europe or even Asia. Most of the hotels were built in the 70s and have not been renovated or renovated since then. The cost of the rooms is quite high - $ 30-60. In this case, breakfast in most cases is not included, and cockroaches are included. In addition, there are practically no rooms with a full range of services: there are good sockets, but the old air conditioner, the air conditioner is more or less modern, but instead of a bath there is a hole in the floor, etc. Make a research about hotels in Yaounde before traveling there. Now we will answer the question is Yaounde safe to travel to? Don’t forget where is Yaounde situated and as in most countries nearby most of this country’s roads are dangerous and not safe to drive.  We advise you to look closer at which precautions you need to take and we are sure if you take precautions everything will be fine. 

And here some interesting facts about Cameroon:

• The name of the country in Portuguese means "river of shrimps" - the European discoverers of these lands were so impressed by the crustaceans that inhabited one of the local rivers in abundance that they named the new state in their honor. • The inhabitants of Cameroon speak hundreds of different languages and dialects, so it is easier for residents of neighboring regions to negotiate with each other in English or French than in their own. • In Cameroon, on the slopes of the volcano of the same name, there is the "wettest" place in Africa and the second in terms of precipitation in the world - the amount of rainwater falling annually reaches 9655 mm. • The most popular Cameroonian sweets are bananas with sauce and sweet potato muffins. goliath frog • The world's largest goliath frog lives in the coastal forests of Cameroon, the body length of which, excluding the hind limbs, can reach 32 centimeters, and the weight exceeds 3 kilograms (interesting facts about frogs). • The central street of Yaounde, the capital of Cameroon, is called Kennedy Avenue which is also highly Instagrammable. • In Cameroon, deposits of volcanic salts, unique in their composition, have been discovered. They contain almost all known trace elements, which in the future will allow Cameroon to become one of the largest resorts in Africa. • Near the Cameroon town of Limbe, there are beaches with black volcanic sand. This part of the coast is called the Palm Coast because of the coconut trees growing along the beach. • There are practically no traffic rules in Cameroon - traffic lights, road signs and markings are extremely rare. The right of priority passage on the roads is given to the one who beeps and flashes his headlights longer. We wish you to have a wonderful time in Yaounde! Enjoy your trip to Yaounde Cameroon and don’t forget to most liked Instagram photo to have the best Instagram page ever!

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