Venezuela Passer-by Visa details

Venezuela Passer-by Visa details

Roxana Acosta Sosa09 August 20211468 views7 min. read
Venezuela Passer-by Visa details
most beautiful countries that exist, and the whole world knows it. The imposing nature of its natural resources makes any foreigner fall in love from the beaches to its culture. It is a masterful work of art nestled in the middle of the planet, which benefits from the best climates and the geographical and cultural protection of the rest of the continent. Its proud culture and idiosyncrasies perplex more than one when visiting it. The language and expression of Venezuelans are very particular and colourful, so if you are planning a holiday, here I will tell you everything about the Venezuela visa application.

What are the Venezuela visa free countries?

venezuela pinned on world map According to the Venezuela visa policy, some countries will need to request a visa to enter the country. There is a big list of Venezuela visa free countries, which you can check on the visa policy section on our official website. If your country of residency is not on the list, you must present the documents according to the Venezuela visa policy mandates, which I will detail below.

Requirements to enter Venezuela

application form and passport To request a visa for Venezuela, you must do so at the Consular Section of the embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in your country of origin or residence with the following documents: • Fill out the Venezuela visa application form. • Valid passport for a minimum of six months. If you are holding a foreign passport, you must have a valid residence permit. • Two recent passport-type photos (2” x 2”), in colour and white background. • Original proof of work that specifies: duration of employment, position and salary. • Proof of financial solvency during your period of stay and proof of the applicant's regular income in the country of residence. • Roundtrip flight booking test. • Hotel reservation test. • Health insurance. • Yellow fever certificate. • Proof of deposit of consular rights for USD 30 in the name of the embassy of Venezuela in your country of residence, once the documentation has been approved. • If you are a minor, you must bring authorization to travel, signed by both parents. It should be clarified that a public interpreter/translator must duly translate any document presented in a language other than Spanish. Also, I would like to clarify that these documents should only be presented for the visa for Venezuela but tourism if it is decided to be in the country for more than 90 days even though the visa has been made upon arrival.

Who will be granted the Venezuelan tourist visa?

putting stamp on document This visa will be granted to anyone who wishes to enter the country for recreation, health or activities that do not involve remuneration or profit, such as cultural, artistic, scientific, sports, contact with companies located in the country or with people from the public or private sector; or journalism for special events. Also, this visa offers multiple entries to the country.

Can I apply for Venezuela visa online?

visa application online concept Unfortunately, you can not apply for Venezuela visa online since it is a personal procedure. You should go to the Venezuelan embassy closest to your residence.

What is the Venezuela passer by visa?

venezuela visa stamp red colour This type of visa is granted to a foreigner who wishes to enter the country for purposes other than tourism, which are: • Business passerby visa: It is for merchants, executives, representatives of companies or industries and micro-entrepreneurs, non-emigrants who wish to enter the country to carry out commercial, financial activities and/or transactions or other legal lucrative activity related to their businesses. • Investor passerby visa: It is to persons or representatives of companies, who show through a reliable document, that contacts have been established and that the investment has been accepted by the corresponding official Venezuelan organizations. • Entrepreneur/industrial passerby visa: It is for people who demonstrate that they own companies or industries, based in the place of their domicile or that have subsidiaries in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and who travel to it in activities related to them. • Passer-by visa of a direct relative of a Venezuelan: It will be granted to the spouse of the Venezuelan, provided that the marriage was celebrated abroad or in the territory of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, to the children under 18 years of age not emancipated, to the parents and in-laws, after showing the documents that prove the family bond. • Rentista passerby visa: This visa can be received by a non-migrant who lives on his/her income or pension. The person must have a monthly income, which has been generated in a foreign country, and that must be equivalent to USD 1,200.00. If you enter Venezuela with your family, you must have USD 500 per month for each one. • Passer-by visa for domestic employees: This visa is aimed at domestic employees who have a contract with a diplomatic official from abroad or work for a representative of Venezuela abroad and need to enter the country. • Passer-by visa for students: If you are from abroad and want to study in Venezuela either a technical or university career, specialization, internships, etc., you must apply for this visa. • Religious passerby visa: You must apply for this visa for those who wish to enter the country for religious purposes regardless of practised religion. • Family passerby visa: This visa is granted to the spouse of a Venezuelan, minor children (18), parents and political parents who are financially dependent on a citizen with a Venezuelan passport. This family relationship must be proven. It will also be granted to those with a business passerby, investor, entrepreneur/industrial, student, re-entry, labour, or religious visa. • Re-entry passerby visa: It will be granted to those in resident status who have not stayed more than two (2) consecutive years abroad or have not acquired residence in another country, provided that the expiration date of such condition has not exceeded thirty (30) continuous days. It will also be granted to those who have expired abroad the status of passerby and who have not been absent from the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela for more than thirty days (30) continuous days. • Work passerby visa: The application for this visa must be reviewed and approved both by the Ministry of People's Power for Internal Relations Justice and Peace and by the Ministry of People's Power for Labor and Social Security.

What are the Venezuela passer by visa requirements?

giving passport Depending on which visa you need, you will have to fill a specific Venezuela passer by visa application, but next, you will find the common passer by visa requirements: • Fill the corresponding Venezuela passer by visa application form. • You must have your passport with at least 6 months of validity to the date before travelling and its photocopy, the first page. • ID card or valid residence document in case you do not live in your country of origin. You must also have its photocopy. • Two 2” x 2” photos that are not older than 6 months. • Economic solvency proof. • Documents related to your employment status indicating your monthly salary, position, seniority, etc. • Roundtrip plane reservation proof. • Hotel reservation proof. • If you want to study, you must present proof of having been admitted to a school or institution, specifying the start and end date of the course. • If you are a minor, you must have an authorization letter from your parents, present photocopies of their passports and your birth certificate. • Pay the corresponding visa fees if applicable. It should be noted that depending on the visa you need or your country of origin, you may be cited by the consul for a Venezuela passer by visa interview.

Can I apply for the Venezuela passer by visa extension?

extended word on woods If, for any reason, you want or need to request a Venezuela passer-by visa extension, you must request it from the corresponding entities. On the other hand, you will have to pay the expenses involved in processing said visa, which is usually, for example, the corresponding stamps in the case of the student passer by visa. Also, in this case, a Venezuela passer by visa interview will not be required.

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