Lithuania - a country located in the north-east of Europe. And Lithuania is also a sun amber placers, ancient fortresses, and the most
beautiful Lithuania cities with ancient history.
To one of these Instagrammable places is our way. Dou you know
where is Kaunas? Kaunas - a large river harbour and one of the largest cities in Lithuania, once originated at the point where the Vilija and Neman rivers merge, the city "from
the postcard", the centre of Latvian students. The city of Kaunas is easy to get to from the
capital of Lithuania. Your trip from Vilnius to Kaunas will take less than two hours, which you will spend in a cosy cabin of a train or a comfortable bus.

The most Lithuanian of all cities in the country (
93% of the population of Kaunas are Lithuanians) will welcome you hospitably, open your heart, walk along ancient streets and squares, and show you all their attractions. There are a lot of them. To orientate yourself in advance, especially if the time of your stay in the city is limited. The Internet will help you. Find in google "
Kaunas attractions" and it will give you a lot of search results. Choose several of them. For example, "
Kaunas Old Town", "
Kaunas Museum of Devils" and "
Kaunas Castle", make a route and go on a trip for new impressions and beautiful views.
Instagrammable places of Kaunas are waiting for you!
Old Town. To see its cobblestone streets and squares, ancient houses, town halls, churches and churches, thousands of tourists rush to Kaunas. The architecture of the Old Town absorbed fanciful Renaissance style elements with Baroque elements and harsh Gothic. In the atmosphere of ancient streets, there is the spirit of romance of long-gone times.
1. Kaunas Castle

As any respectable medieval town, Kaunas started with a fortress, around which later appeared a craft and merchant settlement. And the
Kaunas Castle began with the construction of strong defensive walls. It was this fact that triggered the foundation of the city of Kovno, and now Kaunas.
The castle, built in the XIII century, was repeatedly besieged and destroyed in 1362 by the
Teutonic Knights. Unfortunately, not only humans but also nature tried to wipe the castle off the face of the earth. In 1611, the waters of Neris blurred the northern part of the fortress wall, so the court lost one tower, and a little later the whole north side was demolished.
In the XXI century survived 1/3 of the castle. But this is not enough, because Kovno (Kaunas) Castle is considered the oldest building of this type in Lithuania. Wandering around the restored castle, you will find more than one place that deserves
most liked Instagram photo. What is the view of the castle surroundings from the watchtower! The mighty red brick fortress walls keep many secrets. Touch the ancient stone, and you may find out where the army of Queen Bona Sforza went and why, still at night, ghosts roam the castle.
2. Church of St. George

Church of St. George is one of the best
places to visit in Kaunas. Continuing the walk along the route Kaunas - the old city, you will also see the Church of St. George (St. Jurgis), especially since it is only a short walk from the Kovno castle. The strict Gothic-style building, built of red bricks, was not always like this. Initially, it was a wooden temple, which suffered from a fire many times, and after perestroika in 1503 acquired its present appearance.
More than once the temple was not used for its intended purpose and served as a warehouse for
Napoleon's army, or the needs of Soviet power. Today, the building of one of the city's oldest churches was once again handed over to Franciscan monks, and its restoration is in progress.
Not only the temple's appearance but also its interior decoration makes a strong impression even nowadays.
Wooden galleries with choirs, pavilion, altars and images of martyrs are well preserved from the XVIII century.
By the way, St. George's Church belongs to the ensemble of two churches that now belong to Kaunas Seminary. There is also an architectural complex of the Bernardines Monastery near the temple. This means that you will get several
Instagrammable views of architectural splendour in Kaunas.
3. City Hall Square

The heart of ancient
Kaunas is the Town Hall Square. As in all medieval
European cities, the point of attraction in Kaunas is the shopping square with the City Hall on it. With time, shopkeepers and merchants began to put houses around the yard, and today the courtyard is surrounded by buildings, some of which have survived since medieval times.
Of course, the most outstanding architectural object of the square is the City Hall.
Initially erected in 1542 in the Gothic style, the City Hall was rebuilt several times, acquiring the features of early classicism and dressing in the Baroque style by the fashion of those times. Today, this tall white building, which combines elements of all three architectural styles, is often called the "
White Swan" for its refined beauty and gracefulness. Kaunas, and the whole Lithuania, is rightly proud of this work of architectural art.
In the Town Hall Square, you will find several more Instagrammable
sights of Kaunas: St. Peter and St. Paul Cathedral, St. Francis Xavier's Church, St. Trinity Church and the complex of buildings of Kaunas Theological Seminary. Besides these architectural masterpieces, the square will please tourists with other cute details for the camera lens—for example, original monuments.
The monument to
Vladislav Staryavich, the first puppet movie cartoonist, is very unusual. His three heroes, the horned beetle, the grasshopper and the ant, gathered near the memorial plate. The pole-shaped monument, on which a lot of bikes with flower pots are hung, will also surprise you. There is also a very unusual disgrace pole and an original fountain with dog heads.
4. Vilnius street

You can finish your trip through the old city by walking along the cosiest street in Kaunas - Vilniuska Street. This name is not accidental: in ancient times, this part of the town was part of the ancient Vilnius trail, leading not only
from Vilnius to Kaunas but also further beyond the country. Now it is the oldest street in Kaunas.
After the reconstruction, the street acquired the status of a pedestrian zone, and now residents and guests of the city walk here with pleasure. The preserved cobblestone bridge and several ancient houses on both sides of the street create a fabulous atmosphere of the medieval town.
Vilniuska Street has partially preserved stone houses of wealthy citizens of old Kaunas, and now it houses numerous cafes, restaurants, souvenir stores, small stores and museums.
The walk will take only about ten minutes because the street is 800 meters long. Unless, of course, you decide to sit on the open veranda of one of the
Kaunas cafes. Having breathed in the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and plunged into the atmosphere of peace, you will forget about the course of time.
The old part of the city suddenly ends exactly where Vilnius Street smoothly passes to Laisves Avenue, the leading pedestrian highway in Kaunas, which is also considered to be the
longest walking alley in Europe. Be sure to take a walk along with it. Densely cased with lime trees on both sides, the path will lead you to another Kaunas attraction, the monument to Vytautas the Great.
5. Monument to Vytautas the Great

Today, a copy of the statue of Vytautas the Great (Vytautas), the most famous sovereign of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, is installed on Laisves Avenue (Liberties) near the city's Self-Government Chamber. The original was erected on the 500th anniversary of the death of the outstanding ruler and commander in 1932, but during the
Second World War, it was irrevocably lost.
The figure on the pedestal of light stone looks very majestic. The prince with the naked sword tramples the feet of his defeated enemies: a Teutonic knight, a ruin, a Polish nobleman and a
Tatar warrior.
It should be noted that the name of
Great Vitovt in Kaunas, as in the whole Lithuania, is quite common. Thus, Kaunas has the Vytautas the Great War Museum, where an extensive collection of weapons of different epochs, archival photos, books and wartime documents are collected. There is also the wreckage of the famous aeroplane Lituanica, which in 1933 attempted to make a non-stop flight from America to Lithuania. The plane failed in the sky over
Germany. There is also a bridge, named after Vytautas the Great, which is laid across the
Neman River and connects the area of Aleksotas with the Old Town. Although, if you dig deep into history, the city of Kaunas should be grateful for the construction of the bridge is not the famous ruler, but Napoleon's army, which in the summer of 1812 moved towards Moscow.
6. Museum of Devils
What is Kaunas famous for? The Museum of Devils is the leading and most renowned feature of the city, not because the museum is something special, but because it is unique. Nowhere else in the world there is such a collection of horns. And the basis of the group was laid by Lithuanian artist Antanas Zhmuizinavicius when in 1906 he accepted the figure of the devil as a gift. He liked the piece so much that he decided to collect a dozen of such images. But he did not stop there and continued collecting figures and various
most liked Instagram photos of demons. In 1966, after the death of Antanas, a museum of devils, rare in its subject matter, was opened in his house.
To date, the museum's fund has increased more than tenfold, and today it counts about three thousand exhibits. And this is not surprising, because the exposition is continuously updated with new items, which are delivered from all parts of the world. These are not only figures of devils made of stone, wood, and metal. Handicrafts made of pakli, straw, textiles, masks, paintings and even fragments of statues can be seen in this fantastic
Kaunas museum. Dark wall draperies and muted light make the atmosphere of the halls mystical and mysterious.
In the Soviet Union's times, the museum was trendy among tourists. The reason for that was the ban on the topic of religion for a Soviet person. And the forbidden fruit is known to be sweet. Now, times have changed, but the interest in the museum has not faded. A photo with one of the inhabitants of the museum will be a nail in your
most liked Instagram photo collection.
7. Zaliakalnis Funicular

It is even surprising that a funicular could appear in such a flat country as Lithuania. But there is a landmark in Kaunas. The opening of the funicular took place quite a long time ago, in 1931. Moreover, in 1993, it was recognized as an object of the
cultural heritage of Lithuania.
The complicated Lithuanian name "
Zaliakalnis" is translated as- "
green hill". The length of the route is small and is 142 meters. A funicular connects the lower station, which is located next to the Military Museum of Vytautas the Great, and the observation deck of the upper station, where is located perhaps the most unusual
temple in Lithuania - the Church of the Assumption.
Built-in the Constructivist style, the temple looks very modern, and, except for crosses on the towers, it does not resemble a cult religious facility.
Cable carriages, stylized for the pre-war years, will take you to the upper ground in just a few minutes. And even in this short time, you will not get bored: the conductors are very polite and smiling, and music plays in the car. From the observation deck of the hill, there are
Instagrammable views of Kaunas, but to see more, you need to climb to the observation deck of the Church of the Assumption. Then you will need a camera or a cell phone camera - the view of Kaunas city and its surroundings is mesmerizing.
8. Mikolas Zilinskas Art Gallery

Lithuania is famous for its art galleries and museums. One of the most noteworthy is the
Kaunas Art Gallery of Mikolas Zilinskas. And the most exciting thing in it, of course, is not the figure of a completely naked man - the scandalously famous sculpture of Petras Mazuras "
The Man", which is even tried to "
dress". The symbol of freedom looks too naturalistic in Lithuanian. The gallery's main treasure is its unique collection of paintings, sculptures and decorative and applied artworks, which the collector Mikolas Zhilinskas donated to the museum.
After the collector immigrated abroad, everything he had collected over the years was donated to the
National Art Museum of Lithuania. In 1989, the exposition was moved entirely to the newly built specially designed gallery building. Today the halls of the museum showcase Egyptian art of ancient times, paintings of Italy of the XVII-XVIII centuries, decorative and applied art of Europe of the XVII-XX centuries, paintings and sculptures of the Baltic countries of the XX century. Unusual exposition of the gallery is dedicated to the relationship between men and women in the modern world.
If you think that after leaving Kaunas, the sights of this restrained northern city are over, then you are wrong. Outside the city, you will find Kaunas installation sites, worthy of your attention and
most liked Instagram photo.
9. Pazaislislis Monastery

The next best
places to visit in Kaunas is Pazaislislis Monastery. The largest monastery complex in Lithuania - Pazhaisliskyi - since the XVII century decorates the coastal territory of Kaunas water reservoir. Built-in the developed Italian Baroque style for the Order of Camaldula Monks, known for their strict fasting, flesh killing and vows of silence, the monastery is considered an ideal example of Baroque architecture.
Strange as it may seem, even though the monastery complex is not so far from Kaunas, even Lithuania rarely mentions it in its tourist avenues. Meanwhile, Pazaislislis Monastery is worth being seen.
Instagrammable landscape and architectural delights of Italian architects and brushwork masters will not leave a single traveller indifferent.
Time has spared the architectural landmark: the building of the monastery and the adjoining buildings has remained almost unchanged until now. Today tourists can enjoy the amazingly
Instagrammable Church of the Assumption of the
Blessed Virgin Mary. Its exquisite interior, ennobled with marble sculptures and fresco paintings, will be an aesthetic delight for the eyes. And a walk in the closed garden of the monastery will give a rest to your soul because not without reason it is called Eden. Also, the monastery has a real hotel and high cuisine restaurant. Not only the soul but also your body may need rest.
10. Lithuanian Museum of Folk Life

You can get acquainted with the way of life of a Lithuanian peasant, merchant or craftsman by visiting the open-air
museum in Rumsiskes on the bank of Kaunas Reservoir. The Ethnographic Park covers 200 hectares and is a Lithuanian county in the late 18th and early 20th centuries. There are about 200 buildings on the territory of the museum park. These are free-standing huts of a craftsman or a fisherman with outbuildings, a boyar house, mills, chapels, and whole fragments of Lithuanian farms, brought from different parts of the country.
A six-kilometre walking trail and a circular route are laid out along the park's territory. By renting a bike or sowing a cart, you can not only enjoy the trip but also enrich your knowledge of ethnography, looking at scattered here and there rural estates. Again, on the
shore of Kaunas Reservoir, where you will be taken numerous paths, you can swim and relax.
Visit Kaunas, the Ethnographic Museum, in summer. Come here for the whole day and immerse yourself in the peaceful atmosphere of Lithuanian nature: the murmuring of a cold stream, the singing of birds, the aroma of herbs and flowers warmed by the sun, will give harmony to your soul and body, and the
Instagrammable places of Kaunas and its suburbs will be waiting for you at every step.
11. Juniper a valley
The Juniper Valley - the most popular place of the botanical reserve - is situated on steep slopes, descending to the Kaunas Reservoir. The beauty of surrounding nature, panoramic views of the Kaunas Bay and Dobintos Island, which open from the height of the observation trail, will undoubtedly make you take a camera in your hands. And to shoot, to shoot, to shoot.
The observation trail, which has a length of 1.3 kilometres, is laid on the very edge of the rock in the upper part of the
Mozhevelovaya Valley. For the convenience of tourists, it is partly covered with planks, and in the upper portion for more excellent safety is surrounded by railings.
The steep slopes of the national reserve of state importance are densely covered with juniper and herbs. The healing air of these
Instagrammable places is not only crystal clear but also full of phytoncides. After a walk along the Mozhevelovaya Valley, you will not only get aesthetic pleasure but also improve your lungs.
12. Kaunas graffiti

Kaunas mural painting is the reason why people love their city. It is a thing that gives each house and city a special chic and unique spirit of individuality. Modern street art is closely intertwined with medieval history in the
streets of Kaunas.
Grey and faceless houses, which can always be found in any city in the world, have been transformed beyond recognition thanks to the art and talent of artists. The walls blossomed under the brush of street masters.
The eyes of a wise older man, almost Einstein, are looking at you from the wall of the building (Jonavos, 3). But a bicyclist rushed past, probably in a hurry for a date, because in his hand, he is clutching a rose (M.K.Ciurlionio, 17). Here, on the corner of the house, the artist's fantasy brought to life a whole surreal world in the
Salvador Dali style (K.Donelaicio, 16). And here is a drawing of a child. This is the picture of a little girl riding a magic horse with a tricolour mane (Jonavos, 3). And on the facade of the
Kaunas University of Technology, there are two ladies, who descended from the paintings of famous medieval artists - "
Lady with an Ermine" and "Beautiful Ferronier" - listening to music and playing chess (A.Mickeviciaus, 37).

It is possible to enumerate for a long time the art objects of which the city of Kaunas and Lithuania should be proud. But it is better to see once than to hear or read a hundred times. Come, and the street art of Kaunas will open up the city to you from a very different side.
If your decision to
visit Kaunas in Lithuania is finally strengthened, choose a convenient way to get
from Vilnius to Kaunas and go on a fascinating journey through the city.
The most famous sights of the city are already known to you, and you can build a route:
Kaunas - Old Town, then Kaunas Castle, streets and squares of the Old Town, New Town Kaunas - Museum of Devils, funicular Jalakalnis, museums and monuments. And when you get tired of the cityscapes, go beyond the city - Kaunas will open Kaunas attractions of the fragile nature of the European North, a piece of which you can take with you in the form of
Instagrammable pictures.