7 lifehacks for backpackers

7 lifehacks for backpackers

Murad Asgerzade15 April 20211435 views8 min. read
7 lifehacks for backpackers

During the Covid-19 period, we all miss traveling to other countries and even inside the country. However, we have to know that this will not go long. So, we have to prepare ourselves for after the Covid-19 period, and we are glad to introduce seven super lifehacks for backpackers. Before that, we will briefly give information about what is lifehacks, how to travel with limited budget, best places to travel to on limited budget. For a limited budget, we will show a list of lifehacks, the best lifehacks, travel lifehacks. In the end, seven super lifehacks for backpackers will be given. Fasten the belts! Let's go!

Limited Budget

woman holding cash

In this part of the post article, you will meet with a limited budget, especially sub-categories such as how to travel with limited budget, best places to travel to on limited budget. Let's start with how to travel with limited budget. Travel is frequently considered an extravagance, but it's exceptionally conceivable to see the world without breaking the bank. Begin off by choosing precisely how much you need to spend and where you'd like to go, on the off chance that you've got an inclination. At that point, forcefully look around for the leading flight and convenience bargains. Taking benefit of cheap, sometimes even free local entertainment, such as walking tours, is another perfect way to save. You might even be shocked how much you can entertain, travel, and do on a limited budget. Let's continue with the best places to travel to on limited budget. Of course, you can travel inside the country without more expenses, in this context, we are trying to give information about offshore travels, and we will look at region-by-region. Asia, Europe, the Americas, and African countries are on our list for the cheapest destinations to travel to. In Asia, these countries include Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Northern Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Taiwan, India, China (some parts), Kyrgyzstan, with price variations between $20-35 per day (includes costs of accommodations, meals, transportation, and activities). If we come from East to West, these prices increase slightly. In Europe, you can travel to some countries with a limited budget! These countries are developing countries and include Romania, Georgia, Greece, the Czech Republic, Ukraine, Poland, Croatia, Turkey, the Baltic States (Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia), with price fluctuation between $26-45. Among these countries, especially Turkey, Greece, the Czech Republic can be more expensive due to your choices. Let's continue with the Americas. You can travel to Mexico, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Colombia, Bolivia with a limited budget ($25-35 per day). In the USA, your travel will not be cheap; however, there is a way to cheap travel in North America, a road trip! American Southwest (Arizona & Utah) road trip is ideal for that, although your cost will be approximately $150 per day; still, it is the cheapest way to entertain in the US, developed country. When we consider a developed country to travel with a limited budget, we should consider South Africa, almost $40 per day. Okay, we almost mention all options for limited budget traveling, but we also have to consider that these prices depend on personal wants and pleasures. So, you determine the budget, and these numbers can only be benchmarks for your travel! 

Lifehacks for Backpackers

brown bag

Okay, we have talked about how to travel with limited budget and the best places to travel to on limited budget. Now, it is time to give a piece of information on what is lifehacks, and for our reading, travel lifehacks. After overall information, as backpackers, you will be informed about seven super lifehacks. In all phases of life, lifehacks are something that increases productivity and efficiency. Even the most difficult works can be done easily by lifehacks. For backpackers, travel lifehacks are especially important. Using lifehacks can add more taste, entertainment from traveling, and keep money in your pocket in a foreign country. Now, let's begin to introduce our core purpose for this reading. Here are seven of the best lifehacks for backpackers, list of lifehacks include: flight, hotel, baggage, departure, arriving, exploring new places, and returning home.

1. Flight reserving

boarding pass ticket

When searching for flights, it is well-known that booking beforehand makes your tickets price cheaper. Most people use this hack when they want to travel. It is for international flights. But what about local flights? Are there any hacks that we can apply? Yes! Check in the local currency and language while looking for planes. Use the local language! If you know the language of the country that you want to visit, it is great, do your search in that language, if you don't know, do not worry! We are living in the 21st century; you can use the translate tool in Google Chrome and search for local flights in any language. And after finding proper flights in a local currency, then exchange currencies. By using this method, you can save hundreds of dollars from local flights when booking flights.  

2. Hotel booking

neon hotel sign

If you find a hotel accommodation that you want to stay at don't reserve it on the web browser without doing a little more research. You can book a hotel in many ways. There are a lot of booking sites, and they offer different prices. You can search among them for a proper booking price. Hotel booking sites charge a fee on the hotel owner, and eventually, you - the guest will pay that amount. Therefore, for cheaper booking, you can cut off the middleman, booking sites, and directly search in hotels' websites, of course, if they have one. However, sometimes, you can take advantage of hotel booking sites. Sometimes, those sites offer membership discounts, and as a result, you can be better off by booking from those sites instead of using hotels' websites.

3. Baggage hack


We know that baggage divides into different categories. In the plane, fragile luggage is kept at the top, and by marking baggage as fragile, you can make it to be released firstly. 

4. Airport hack


One departure hack is to take your bottle of water. It depends on the airline's own rules on the price of drinking; the amount of time the drink is given might not be as you want. Getting a bottle of water of yours means that you have water when you want it. Another useful thing can be taking more internet service for your devices, especially when your flights are more than three-four hours. You can do your work, watch your favorite TV shows, prepare some needs, etc. The next hack is to make sure you have a pen before you leave your home so that you can complete the customs form; sometimes, flight attendants do not have it. 

5. Arriving hacks


As we mention in part 3, baggage hack, you can save time when you want to take your baggage because your baggage will be at the top, come firstly. Do not convert money in the airport; usually, they add their fees. Using ATMs to get local currency is more efficient than converting money in the airport. ATMs always give out the country's currency, of course, so use your debit or credit card to have your money out. Another thing that you can do when you arrive is shopping for small things like water, snacks. In the hotel, it can be more expensive and increase your spendings. When you're in your cabin, just consider removing the needs from your suitcases. 

6. Travel Hacks for Exploring


For exploring more places, you can use guidebooks or take a travel agency and give all your responsibilities to them. If agencies serve at reliable costs, then why not to use their services? In communication, try to use the local language. In some situations, it can work in your favor. You will give a better impression when you use the local language. Eat local meals to explore those nations' culinary. Trying regional dishes will save you more money and allow you to enjoy fresh and tasty food. Try to dress like local people. It will help you to feel like them and understand their lifestyle. 

7. Returning home


Booking beforehand or after depends on people, but overall booking for returning plane in advance makes you stick to your plan. After a long journey, you can be tired in your mind. However, you should unpack your bags immediately to avoid smelling. 

A quick recap


In summary, in the first part of article, we have talked about what is lifehacks, the best lifehacks, travel lifehacks, how to travel with limited budget, and then we make a list of countries as the best places to travel to on limited budget. In the second part, we give brief information about lifehacks for backpackers. The list of lifehacks was about flight reserving, hotel booking, baggage hack, departure, arriving hacks, exploring, and returning home. Hope this blog post was useful for your travel planning. After the pandemic ends, you can start travelling by using our life hacks for backpackers.

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