The strangest museums in the world

The strangest museums in the world

Narmin Aydinqizi25 October 20193891 views7 min. read
The strangest museums in the world

When you go abroad on vacation, the museum is the first thing that comes to mind. It shows us historical ruins, traces of the past, or the most exclusive works of artists. However, some museums around the world exhibit odd things. For example, South Korea's Love Museum, or the Hair Museum of Avanos, in Nevsehir, Cappadocia. The Bright Side site lists the weirdest museums in the world. We had a look at that list, and we added a few strangest museums we think are interesting. Among the most famous museums in the world, there are few weird ones as well. Let's get to know them!

Museum of Lies, Germany

Lugen Museum, one of the most original museums in the world, is located in Kyritz, Germany. Although the museum's venue is reminiscent of a ruined historic building, it is, in fact, a beautiful building. The architecture of the museum is modern, and the decaying facade, including the “old” wooden benches in the garden, is completely fake. The founder of this one of the strange museums is the famous painter Reinhard Zabka. He wanted to show people how beautiful the difference between art and reality is.

All exhibits in this strange museum are fake products. They are complemented by very interesting information signs. Among the various exhibits, visitors can find the original flying carpet, the son of Stalin, and even the old radio, which is a marvel of the sinking Titanic. Of course, none of the exhibitions presented is original. However, it is amazing that the perfect artist has a great imagination and that he synthesizes it with a sense of humour.

The museum collection is huge and has ten spacious rooms, so you can take some time to visit the museum as a whole. One of the most famous museums in Europe, The Lugen Museum, is the only one in Europe that will surely delight tourists, who enjoy traditional art galleries and historical museums. The Lugen Museum has a number of beautiful benches and beautiful border areas with green vegetation. The beauty of the surrounding nature is probably the only thing that is true here.

Museum of Bad Art, the USA

Tourists interested in contemporary art can visit one of the strangest museums in the US, the Art Museum in Dedham. The Museum of Bad Art presents a unique collection of works, each of which can be described at least as strange. The first section of the museum was opened in 1993, when the museum's founder, Scott Wilson, had a large collection of paintings.

The founder of the museum has selected the strangest paintings he has ever seen. Later, the museum's collection grew, so he decided to open a branch in Somerville. A few years ago, a third branch of the museum opened in Brookline. Today, the Museum of Bad Art is one of the unique places that inspire millions of artists around the world. More than 400 "bad" works are on display in this museum.

The paintings presented at the museum attracted collectors. Painting “Aileen” was stolen in 1996, and in 2004 Rebecca Harris’s portrait was stolen as well. The first picture was not found, and the thief of the second picture returned the painting personally to the museum. Thousand of artists around the world want their strangest paintings to be demonstrated in the Scott Wilson Museum. It is not so easy to be in the collection of a famous art shop. The picture should be terrible, and you just cannot do “as you wish” indifferently. The symmetry and colour mismatch in the works of the museum irritates sensitive people, no matter how fun they are.

The Snow Crystal Museum, Japan

snow crysal museum

Many of us are used to seeing ancient artefacts, archaeological findings, and other antiques among museum exhibitions. One of the Japanese museums on the island of Hokkaido presents a very original collection. The main features are the fact that they are snowflakes. Undoubtedly, the founders of this strange museum were not able to protect the fragile nature of the 95% air, so they decided to show visitors the photos of the most beautiful and unusual snowflakes. So you can see hundreds of snowflakes in the museum.

The founder of the museum is Ukichiro Nakaya, a unique museum-scientist. He said the establishment of such weird museums is a responsible and challenging task. Initially, the tools used to store snowflakes were quite expensive, and significant investments were made in opening the museum.

The founder of the Snow Crystal Museum, Ukichiro Nakaya, has been working on incredible snow crystal for some years, one of the most remarkable natural compounds. He classified them and showed their unique features. Visitors of the exhibition will also be able to see the most important discoveries of the scientist. In addition to the exhibition halls, there is also a concert hall in the caves, where regular artists from the area regularly perform. The salon has unique acoustics, so guests will have the opportunity to visit the most interesting photo collections and unforgettable concerts.

Hair Museum, Turkey

hair museum

Copyright: @lpjturquie

We are continuing our strangest museums list with Hair Museum. Tourists visit the original museum in Cappadocia, which hosts the largest women's lock collection in the world, every year. The museum is located in the small town of Avanos and was founded by local resident Chez Galip. The history of the museum foundation is incredibly exciting and romantic. In 1979, the founder of the museum broke up with his love and asked her to leave something to remember her by. She cut off a piece of her hair to leave as a reminder...

Today, the Hair Museum demonstrates more than 16,000 hair locks. The main visitors to the museum are women.

Trash Museum, the USA

trash museum

Copyright: @popupmushroom

If you have the opportunity to visit New York, be sure to visit another strangest museums in the US, the Trash Museum. When it comes to trash, don't think of sweet wrappers, banana peel, empty milk box! Here are items that were once inseparable parts of the house but are not used now—lamps, furniture, bookshelves, paintings, etc.

The founder of the extraordinary museum is one of the local residents – Mr Molina. When he began the collection, he kept his first copies in his garage. To save all the artefacts found in the trash bin in the garage, he decided to open a museum. Currently, the trash museum is located in a large two-story building. The collection is clearly organized and therefore looks even more impressive.

Old lamps, large artwork and poster collections, old magazines and newspapers, technology and small trailers - these are just a few things you can see in this original New York Museum. It is interesting that the owner of the museum not only collects interesting items in the trash but also repairs them. Most of the devices offered at the museum work.

International UFO Museum, the USA

ufo museum

Copyright: @yearlongweekend

Apparently, weird museums are mainly in the United States. Have you ever interested in "where is the Ufo Museum located" or "which city is the international Ufo Museum and Research Center?" Because our next museum is in the Roswell, the US is known largely for the supposed UFO incident that has been discussed for more than 60 years since 1947. There is no doubt that the world's most popular and famous UFO museum is located in the USA. The museum presents unique exhibits to tourists and local people.

The majority of museum exhibitions are related to the events of 1947. UFO protected parts, numerous photos, and articles are included in this exhibition. The purpose of the artefacts found at the scene can only be assessed by museum owners and visitors. One of the strangest museums in the US is properly equipped in this structure. You can see models of flying creatures and impressive UFOs everywhere you go.

One of the museum's theatre halls is an ideal venue for performances and workshops. After visiting the museum, you can walk in the Roswell area. Everything here is reminiscent of an important historical event.

We can add to our strangest museums list the Sewerage Museum in Paris, the Torture Museum in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, the Funeral Hearse Museum in Barcelona, the Ramen (Japanese Noodles) Museum in Japan and many others.

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